Forty-one months into the Biden regime we find ourselves poorer than we were when he took office.
→ Inflation is still on the rise.
→ Interest rates are rising.
→ Debt is increasing.
→ Wars in Ukraine and Israel are waging.
→ A former president has been convicted for political gain.
→ Palestinians are protesting on college campuses.
→ Our borders are still open.
→ Federal agencies have been politicized against American citizens.
These are just a few of the major signs of America's collapse under the rule of totalitarian, communist, globalist, fascist atheists - otherwise known as liberals, specifically democrats.
The rhetoric from the left is to accuse conservatives of what they have every right to do - overthrow the current, unConstitution, immoral, illegal form of government that is ruling the nation.
Remember when our government was of, by and FOR the people.
Our elections are fraudulent so the government is not of us.
Those elected serve their wealthy, globalist constituents so our government is not by us.
There are no policies by the government which are for the majority of Americans - specifically those who support the country by working for a living.
It is doubtful that we will have fair elections this fall. If there is not an electoral overthrow of the Executive and Legislative branches of government I fully expect the militant persecution of conservatives to ramp up in a major way by the totalitarians who have entrenched themselves in all levels of government and leadership throughout America.
The future is bleak because the Americans who could make a difference still believe that our system works. I do not believe it does. Fair elections is the only thing that can begin to restore my faith in The System.