# | Item | Description |
1 | Influence | The ability to sway Opinion or Action |
2 | | Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? |
3 | 1 - Observing All Things | Observing All Things |
4 | 1 - Staying Full Of God | Staying Full Of God |
5 | 2 - A Call To Prayer | A Call To Prayer |
6 | 2 - A Place Called' There' | A Place Called 'There' |
7 | 2 - Where Am I From | Where Did I Come From |
8 | 3 - What Pleases God | What Pleases God |
9 | 4 - Christiansand Politics | Christians and Politics |
10 | 4 - Psychology Versus Christianity | Psychology vs. Christianity |
11 | 4 - Sky Is Not Falling | The Sky Is Not Falling |
12 | 5 - Decisions→ Destiny | Decisions Determine Destiny |
13 | 5 - Do Not Limit God | Do Not Limit God |
14 | 5 - Hard Heart | Hardness of Heart: A Condition You May Have and Not Even Know it… |
15 | 5 - Staying Positive | Staying Positive In A Negative World |
16 | 6 - Lessons From Elijah | Provision , Power and Glory |
17 | America - June - 2022 | Status update |
18 | American Worldview Inventory 2022 | by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University |
19 | Anti Christ | Denier of the deity of Jesus Christ |
20 | Anti Christ Kingdom | Repent for the Kingdom of Anti Christ is at hand |
21 | Bible Education | Using the Bible to teach young people |
22 | Bible Reading Case | School District of Abington Township, Pennsylvania v. Schempp |
23 | Bondage | Bound, Fettered, Controlled |
24 | Calling | Chosen and told of a purpose |
25 | Cam Center Line | Importance of cam center line to performance |
26 | Chaos | Complete disorder and Confusion |
27 | Christian Deception | No one is immune to Deception |
28 | Climate Of Public Opinion And Life | What people are thinking and how they live |
29 | Constitutional Capitalism | Capitalism that operates by the Constitution |
30 | Constitution Catechism | Arthur Standburry Constitution Catechism |
31 | Control | Influence backed by the Force of Punishment |
32 | Corporate Fascism | Business and Government Fascism |
33 | Deism | Practical recognition of God without Revelation |
34 | Demon Possession | Under the control of a Demon |
35 | Denominationalism | Every Christian leader wanted to be the Pope of their own group |
36 | Destroy Culture | To destroy the current Culture instead of building the one you envision |
37 | Dominionism | A Conviction that Christians ought to Rule the Nations of the World |
38 | Education | Giving/Receiving systematic instruction |
39 | Electionand Persecution | 1st Amendment Rights |
40 | Elitism | Believing some people are better than others |
41 | Emotion | How you feel about what you think about |
42 | Expectation | A certainty about a future event - Anticipation |
43 | False Prophet | The AntiChrist's spin doctor |
44 | Federalist Papers | 85 essays by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison from 10/1787 - 5/1788 |
45 | Feminist Politics | Influence of Women in Politics |
46 | Find Yourself | Looking for you in all the wrong places |
47 | First Love | The intense, exhilerating, absorbing object of life |
48 | Forest Trees | Can't see the forest for the trees |
49 | Fortress | A person or thing not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance |
50 | Free Indeed | The Freedom that only Christ can give |
51 | Government And Crime | Birds of a feather flock together |
52 | Government Corruption | Corruption is inevitable when money and power are involved |
53 | Harvard | Ivy League University in Massachusetts |
54 | Hindrance | Something or someone who prevents an objective being reached |
55 | Honor Shame | Considering the effect of speech, beliefs, and actions has on the collective |
56 | Islam | Islam |
57 | Lawless | Not obedient to laws |
58 | Leaven | A pervasive influence that modifies something or transforms it |
59 | Leaven, Leanings, Leavesand Lamentations | As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. |
60 | Legion | Having lost personal Identity and assumed group Identity |
61 | Light And Darkness | Can America be united again? |
62 | Lobbyist | A person who takes part in an organized attempt to influence legislators |
63 | LWI | Living While Intoxicated |
64 | Lying Spirit | A compulsion to lie and then cover the lie with more lies |
65 | Many Be Offended | Uncomfortable by a belief system challenge |
66 | Marinate | To steep in a marinade |
67 | Megalomaniac | An elitist with great wealth, power and grand schemes |
68 | MNC | Multi-National-Corporation - one which produces products in foreign country using foreign labor |
69 | Mobilize | To marshal, bring together, prepare for action |
70 | Mountain | A High Place or Sphere of Influence and Control |
71 | Muhammad | Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn Abd Allāh ibn Abd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim |
72 | Objective | Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions |
73 | Pandemic | An infectious disease that spreads worldwide |
74 | Power | Ability to do Work, to accomplish a purpose |
75 | Pray For Biden | How should we Pray for Joe Biden |
76 | Predator | An organism that obtains food by the killing and consuming of other organisms |
77 | Prosperity Gospel | Defending the Good News of Abundant Life on Earth |
78 | Prostitution | Selling oneself for money |
79 | Revolution I I | The Second American Revolution |
80 | Satan | The opposer/adversary (aka Devil ) (formerly Lucifer) |
81 | Satanic | Influenced or controlled by Satan |
82 | Satanic Conspiracy | The plan that Satan hatched to come against God's Will |
83 | Science Gone Mad | When Scientists do things that shouldn't be done |
84 | Secession Reconstitution | Secession from or reconstruction of a Union |
85 | Self Identify | The act of identifying yourself as a particular kind of person |
86 | Sovereignty | The state of being the supreme Ruler |
87 | Spark Plug | Basic Theory Of Spark Plug Operation |
88 | Sphere | The area in which Influence is effective |
89 | Steal Kill And Destroy | The Work of the Thief |
90 | Strong Hold | A place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld. |
91 | Subjective | Influenced by personal feelings |
92 | Superhuman | Above natural human ability |
93 | Superstition | An irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome. |
94 | Supreme Court | The protector of the Constitution |
95 | The New Hate | Hate attributed to people who disagree on ideology or policy |
96 | TM | Transcendental Meditation |
97 | Traction | The grip of a tire on a road |
98 | Traitor | A person who works against their own country |
99 | TULIP | Calvinism principles |
100 | Unclean | Ungodly, given to filthiness likely issuing from demonic influence |
101 | Unspotted | Pristine; not seen |
102 | Vietnam War | What was it all about? |
103 | Why Islam | Islam is the rejection of God's Sovereignty and Love |
104 | Wicked Culture | 7 Reasons Pastors Stay Silent in Our Wicked Culture |
105 | Yale | Ivy League University in Connecticut |