Your personal Future depends on your Vision and your Priorities.
Your Vision is what you see in your Mind and Heart more so than what you see with your eyes.
What we see with our eyes can be very discouraging, very disheartening. This is why the Word tells us to Walk by Faith and not by Sight.
What is your Vision, what is your Hope, your Expectation?
What are your Priorities? What is it that really makes you Happy?
Jesus was telling us how to be Happy and how to face the disappointments in our Earthly life.
Your personal Future is bright when you have the right Vision and Priorities.
What about the Future of America?
Right now, America is Lost because she has Backslidden. She has left God and turned to Idolatry.
That Idolatry is manifesting in Rebellion against God, Pride, Arrogance, Self Will, Wickedness, Division, Fear and Fascism.
Our Social, Economic and Political policies are inspired by the Spirit Of Anti Christ.
Will we Repent? Can we Repent?
To answer those questions we ought to look at Israel during the time of Jesus' Earthly Ministry.
Jesus spent three years revealing the Truth throughout the land, performing Healings, Miracles and Exorcisms.
At the end of His Ministry He reluctantly had to face the reality that Jewry had rejected Him.
Israel wss cut off for their rejection of the Truth.
No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. |
The reason there are not many Jewish Christians is that they are not drawn by the Holy Spirit.
Why are so many Americans turning away from the Truth?
They do not have a Love Of The Truth, and so, the Holy Spirit does not draw them (He Forces no one).
The Leadership in America ( Seven Mountains) are like the Scribes Pharisees And Hypocrites of Jesus' day. There was no amount of evidence which would convince them of the Truth.
Will we Repent as a Nation? I don't think so because I don't think we can Repent.
Why can't we Repent? Because we do not have a Love Of The Truth in us and, as a result, there is nothing for the Holy Spirit to work with.
Just as Israel was cut off for not having a Love Of The Truth, so America appears to have been cut off for the same reason (I Hope I am Wrong on this).
I expect America to be absorbed into the Anti Christ Kingdom despite Political, Social and Religious efforts to prevent it.
Jesus says that all will Perish who do not Repent.
Without a Love Of The Truth there is no inclination to Repent.
Without the inclination to Repent the Holy Spirit has nothing to work with.
So, America will continue down the slope toward Destruction. Social, Political and Religious efforts may slow the pace, but without Repentance, Destruction is the destination.
What a pessimistic outlook you may be thinking.
Not really, unless your Vision is for America and your Priorities are Earthly.
We are citizens of Heaven. America has been a tool by which God has worked in the affairs of nations while providing Americans with a taste of Heaven.
Yes, it is sad to see America lose its Soul. But as she is being absorbed into the Anti Christ Kingdom we know that our Redemption is drawing near.
Jesus will Return to Destroy Satan, the Beast and the False Prophet. He will then set foot on the Mount of Olives and establish the Millennial Kingdom on Earth with us who have been Translated from corruptinle to incorruptible.
The Earth's Future is bright despite the trend we are currently on. Your Future In Christ is bright because Jesus is coming.
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  We meet the Lord while He is in the air above the earth and we will never be separated from Him. |
In the meantime, keep your Vision anchored in the Promises of God and make your Priorities His Priorities.