Luk 5:30 | But their Scribes and Pharisees murmured against his disciples, saying, Why do you eat and drink with publicans and sinners? - Luk 5:30 | Straining at gnats again. | If a person does not Believe they are wrong (i.e. that they are Righteous) then they will not Repent. When a person realizes they are wrong, they will Repent. | The Love of God enables us to Love our abusers. | Give Freely without the constraint of having received from the person to who you are giving. | We are to be Supernatural givers. | | | | | | | Elites have no respect for those not in their circle. So, they rejected Christ from being in the clique for receiving the publicans and sinners. | | Each of us is of immense value to God. None of us are expendable. | Mercy is extended to the repentant Heart. | Straining at gnats. | Grace always supercedes Law. Legalism invariably leads to Division. | They called Jesus a Sinner though He never broke the Law. His 'sin' was telling them the Truth about who He is. | Just the Facts! | A CommonSense statement from a former blind man. | A Legalist may think that GraceThroughFaith alone is a Lie. However, GraceThroughFaith in Christ Jesus alone glorifies God more than a perfomanced based Salvation. Paul asks: why am I considered a sinner for glorifying God? | While we were in such a pathetic state, the perfect SonOfMan, the SonOfGod shed His Blood to Redeem us. | God is Fair and Just. | Paul is getting at a wrong concept in the Jews - that they are accepted by God because of Abraham and so are superior to Gentiles. | By coming under the Law a Believer becomes a sinner. | CarnalMinded people need the Law to direct and govern them. | Christ is our Saviour not our condemner. | Jesus is Perfect in all His ways. | Christ was rejected and Persecuted and ultimatelu killed but He remained Faithful to the Father. | It is God who draws us to Him by the HolySpirit but that is just a tug. We must respect His wooing by turning to Him and desiring Him. Sinners can only cleanse their hands by repenting, turning to Christ and receiving His cleansing blood, Christians can only purify their Hearts by deciding to Believe the Word of God exclusively. Otherwise, they are DoubleMinded which yields Confusion, Fear and Unbelief. | When we are in Error (apart from the Truth) we will experience loss tending toward Death. Our Soul (Mind and Emotions) must be Transformed by the Renewing of our Minds in order to be Saved. When we are taught by the HolySpirit the Word of Truth we stop committing those Sins associated with Error. | We are not scarcely Saved. Peter was speaking from the confusion of the Hybrid gospel which combined Grace and Works. Paul eventually brought Peter and John around but it took a long time. | The DayOfWrath will be followed by Judgment as Christ and those who rule and reign with Him administer the MillennialKingdom. |