The HolySpirit is God in us.
Angels are not Omniscient. The HolySpirit is Omniscient.
Angels are not Omnipresent. The HolySpirit is Omnipresent.
Angels may be with us. The HolySpirit is in us.
Some people Receive the HolySpirit Baptism at the same time as they are BornAgain, but most do not. Primarily, this is a result of not being taught to expect the HolySpirit Baptism. Secondly, there has been no demonstration of SpiritBaptism.
An Angel announced the birth of Jesus. The HolySpirit impregnated Mary.
The Angels were present at Jesus' Resurrection. The HolySpirit raised Christ Jesus from the dead.
Jesus could have prayed the Father for more Angels to be aasigned to us but He didn't. He prayed the Father to send us the HolySpirit.
We have EternalLife in the HolySpirit. We experience AbundantLife in this Physical life as we are Transformed by the HolySpirit and the Word to the MindOfChrist.
If you not in Perfect Peace, if you have any Fear, you need the Comforter - the HolySpirit. Ask God for His HolySpirit and He will Give Himself to you. Luk 11:13
The HolySpirit is our Comforter, our Helper, our Teacher, our Character developer and our Gift giver.
The HolySpirit Comforts us and Teaches us and reminds us of the specific WordOfGod to meet the situation at hand.
No self Confidence, no Education, no Intelligence can make up for the lack of the HolySpirit.
Jesus is the embodiment of the HolySpirit. He always flowed naturally in the HolySpirit. In so doing He said and did things that were Supernatural.
The secret to understanding the HolySpirit and SpiritGifts is that we enter into a partnership, a symbiotic Relationship with Him.
Angels are helpful. The HolySpirit is our Life.
Jesus is fully man and He is fully God. He was not born with the SinNature that the rest of us were. But He had to learn submission to the Father. When He was Baptised with the HolySpirit He was empowered to Walk in the Spirit. He went to the wilderness fasting and praying until He was totally conformed to the Will of the Father. When He left the wilderness He was prepared to Walk in the Spirit.
To Walk in the Spirit is to Believe and Appropriate the Promises of God while fellowshipping with Him in the HolySpirit.