[ Created: 2021-12-07 23:20:19  Updated: 2021-12-07 23:25:29 Owner: rl ]
Title: Subjected to ipulation by man    


References (19) to Manipulation
Manipulation Subjected to ipulation by man
1 - Giving Why, When and Where to Give
America- June- 2020 Status update
America- June- 2021 Status update
Capitalism Capitalism works!
Deceiver A person who Deceives for the purpose of Manipulation
Demographic Relating to the structure of populations
Dominion Voting Dominion Voting System
Election 2020 Sadness The sadness of the death of America
10  Exit Strategy A plan to weasel your way out of something you should never have gotten into
11  Federalist Papers 85 essays by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison from 10/1787 - 5/1788
12  Government Fascism Fascism in Government
13  News Newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events
14  Political Of or related to government and public affairs
15  Sexual Depravity Moving away from proper function of Sex to experimentation for gratification
16  Socialism The god and Political arm of the Religion of Secular Humanism
17  Trump Donald J.     Trump - president
18  Trump Coarseness The gift and cost of being coarse
19  Witchcraft Communication with the Devil or with a familiar spirits