Let's assume for the sake of argument that all the players who manufactured the virus, promoted and enabled the virus, manufactured vaccines for the virus, sold masks for the virus, sold respirators for the virus, sold tests for the virus, forced vaccinations for the virus and squelched alternative treatments for the virus were actually innocently wrong about the virus and came to realize their involvement in people's personal Health was a mistake.
What would their ExitStrategy look like? How could they back away and save face?
Some of you may know who Rosanna Rosannadanna was. She was a comedy character who appeared on a comedy news cast to give a special report. Invariably, she would rant for a few minutes about something that had happened only to be told by the news anchor that what she was ranting about never happened. She would then stop cold, say "Never mind" and leave the news desk.
I think a big "Never mind" from the CDC, BigPharma, and BigTech is warranted. No trying to save face as it would only infuriate those they have manipulated even further.
Will that happen? No.
What then will be their strategy? I suppose they could just begin to say that the new infections are a different virus and that they have successfully eradicated COVID-19.
If not, they will just continue to call every infection a variant of COVID-19. In other words, there will be no exit.
Humanity will go further into Bondage and Manipulation through Fear.