[ Created: 2021-12-02 20:10:02  Updated: 2023-03-07 19:23:16 Owner: rl ]
Title: Baptised in water as a symbol of dying to the old life and being Born Again    


The priests had to be ritually clean (tahor) in order to serve at the tabernacle, and Israelites who had become ritually unclean (tamay) had to restore their situation with the passing of time and bathing their whole body in fresh, ritually clean (tahor) water, according to Leviticus 15.   Later, when the temple had been built, it was necessary for everyone to be immersed in a mikveh to become ritually clean before entering the temple.   There are many ancient mikva’ot (plural of mikveh) to be seen in Jerusalem, and it is clear to see the two sets of steps for each one – a set of steps going down to the mikveh in an impure (tamay) state on one side, and on the other side, steps where the pilgrim will emerge fresh and ritually clean (tahor).    -- One For Israel The key point in the above statement is that Water Baptism is a ritual.   
Then said Paul, John truly baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. -

So, we see that water baptism is a testimony to repentance.   

Baptism is a ritual.   rituals have no intrinsic value.   They only bring to mind that which has spiritual value.   

It is Christ's death and resurrection that counts.   Our death is in His and our resurrection comes by Him.   

Baptism brings to mind and testifies to His death and resurrection and points to our identification with Him.   That is its value.   

There is at least one denomination that believes and teaches that salvation occurs in Water Baptism.   Such a requirement is fundamentally wrong because it does not emphasize the act of believing on Christ Jesus in the heart and confessing Him with the mouth.   
That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that He has raised Himself from the dead, you shall be saved. -
This is the encapsulation of Grace, clearly pointing out our part which is faith in Jesus and confession of Him as risen Lord and Saviour.     

The implication of our part being to believe on Jesus Christ and confess Him as risen Lord, is that He has done everything else!     
It is why we call it amazing Grace!     
It is why the gospel is nearly too good to be true!     

Who raised Jesus from the dead?     
He raised Himself by His Holy Spirit .     

For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. -
It is Heart Faith that enables the miracle of the New Birth.     

It is our personal confession of Jesus as mighty Creator and loving Saviour that seals that miracle.

Believing that a physical act can produce spiritual benefits is actually backwards from the way the Kingdom Of Heaven really works.   Spiritual blessings come to us by faith alone .    When the spiritual work is done, the physical manifestation follows.   

A person can be dunked and never even consider the Gospel or the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for them.   

Does infant baptism work?   

Does baptising a comatose person work?   

Does forcing a child to be baptised work?   

If this physical act resulted in spiritual salvation then the CDC should require all people to be baptised so that everyone would be in Christ and be saved.   


Baptism is a physical act in witness to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus who took us with Him in that work.   
It has absolutely no efficacy to save a person.   

It is by Grace Through Faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ that we are saved.   

Every denomination has made an issue of non-issues to gather a following.   
Virtually every one of the men or women who started a denomination did it out of pride and conceit.   

It is time for all Christians everywhere to keep the main thing, the main thing, denouncing the satanically inspired divisions that have kept the body of Christ weak and ineffective.   

Be baptized ONCE as a testimony to the world that you have believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and received Him as Lord and Saviour.   

Be a witness for Christ Jesus every day in every way.   

Remember, you overcome by the Blood Of The Lamb and the Word Of Your Testimony.