Someone is always in control. It may be you or somebody else but someone is always in control.
Either God is in control of your life or Satan is.
Either we have Good leadership or Evil leadership.
America was founded on the principle of Government OfByFor the people. But in a Representative Democracy the people in control are those elected.
In a Bureaucracy (which we now have in America) the people are not in control and the elected representatives are not in control.
In America`s early beginnings The Establishment was the people.
In the past 90 years The Establishment became the Government.
In the past 40 years The Establishment became the Bureaucracy.
It appears that The Establishment is becoming the Spirit Of Antichrist which is enforcing Ideology and Behavior on the people through Education, Media, Corporations, Bureaucracy and Government in general.
The thing to remember is this: Either God is in control or Satan is.
The individuals, parties, branches, agencies and their supporters are either controlled by God or they are controlled by Satan.
You cannot get rid of The Establishment. You can replace it but what you replace it with will be The Establishment.
It is just a matter of how The Establishment is formed and the nature of its spirit - of God or of Satan.
Soon The Establishment will be the Antichrist Kingdom. But it will be short-lived.
The Establishment will become the Millennial Kingdom under Christ Jesus at His Return.
At the end of the 1000 year Millennial Kingdom there will be a New Heaven And Earth.
The Establishment at that point will be the Spirit Of God who will be all in all.