Whenever Faith in God is reduced to faith in Tradition, Systems and men there is an absence of Spiritual Life.
God is a Spirit. We must be Fellowshipping with that Spirit to experience the Life that is the Holy Spirit.
No Tradition, System or Rituals can produce Life because Life is of the Holy Spirit.
The Jews are defined by the formal calling of Abraham by God, by the Law of Moses and by Tradition. This is Jewry.
Jewry is a Carnal place which functions reasonably well as a System. However, it has does not have the Power of Spiritual Life. And so, the best it can hope for is continuance.
It was in Jewry that Jesus was Crucified because He is of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not restricted by man's understanding of or interpretation of Law. The Holy Spirit is not concerned with Tradition as it is only the systemetizing of man's experience.
Reject any for of Religiosity as it distracts one from personal Relationship with the Holy Spirit and Life.