[ Created: 2021-11-26 19:10:30  Updated: 2021-11-26 19:11:12 Owner: rl ]
Title: The results and state of being Translated.    



References (28) to 'Translation'
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
6 - The War Is Over God's Not Mad; He's Not Even in a Bad Mood
Amurky America under the control of the Socialist Chinese puppets
Culturalism Feeling your Culture is superior to others
D E M O 1_06 - Repentance Repentance
D E M O 1_09 - Identity In Christpart 1 Identity In Christ part 1
Feminine Translations The KJV is Masculine in tone.     Is that wrong?
God And Father The Holy Spirit is the Creator and Father
God Head The trinitarian idea that our Creator has three heads
10  Going To Heaven Where did the concept of going to heaven originate?
11  Holy Spirit Acts The Acts of the Holy Spirit
12  Holy Spirit Baptism Evidence Speaking in Tongues as the Spirit gives utterance
13  KJV King James Version of the Bible
14  Language Words used in a structured way to communicate
15  Marriage Supper The celebration that ends the day when the couple comes together
16  Molech The fire into which children were thrown to appease Baal
17  Name Of Jesus The powerful, glorious name of Jesus
18  NIV New International Version
19  Recreated We are not refurbished, we are New Spirit beings In Christ Jesus
20  Salt That which enhances flavor and quality of experience
21  Scratch testing
22  Secret Rapture Reprinted from
23  Superhuman Above natural human ability
24  Translation The results and state of being Translated.
25  Translations Translations of the Bible
26  Translator Bias Translations reflect fundamental assumptions about the Lord
27  Twisted Truth Untruth created from Truth by adding, deleting or changine words
28  What Is Spirituality What is meant by being spiritual