[ Created: 2021-11-25 10:42:26  Updated: 2021-11-25 10:43:16 Owner: rl ]
Title: Pertaining to or Consistent with Law    



References (117) to 'Legal'
1 - Overcoming Doubt How To Overcome Doubt
1 - You've Already Got It!      You've already got everything you need
2 - Redemption Redemption
2 - The True Nature Of God The True Nature of God
4 - Christians And Politics Christians and Politics
4 - Sky Is Not Falling The Sky Is Not Falling
4 - Word Became Flesh Word Became Flesh
5 - Killing Sacred Cows Killing Sacred Cows
6 - A Sure Foundation Seed Time Harvest
10  6 - Galatians The epistle to the Galatians
11  Accidentramifications Ramifications of the accident
12  ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
13  Agency Weaponization Using unelected Government agencies to violate the Constitution
14  America - June - 2023 Status update
15  America Decline Why America is not great
16  America Occupied America is currently being occupied by Atheistic, Globalist Communists
17  Barak Husein Obama Barak Husein 'Osama islama' Obama
18  Bureaucrat A person who is employed by the Government or one who encourages Government employment
19  Bureaucratic Elitism Government agencies enforcing their values on the people
20  Cashless Only accepting digital credits as Legal Tender
21  Celebrity Crash The uncovering of the hypocritical
22  Charlie Reese Column Charlie Reese last column for Orlando Sentinel
23  Check Your Theology Taking a fresh look at the unfiltered Word Of God
24  Children Progeny , offspring , legal heirs
25  Citizen A legally recognized subject of a state
26  Confuse - us A play on Confucius and Confucianism
27  Conservative A person who espouses Conservatism
28  Constitution The Constitution of the United States
29  Corporate Evil Using their power through wealth to fight against God
30  Covenant Contract, Testament
31  Cycle A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order
32  Dan Rather Godfather of political shills posing as news anchors
33  Delegitimize To strip of legal standing
34  Discipline To make a person a Disciple
35  Duly In accordance with what is required or appropriate; following proper procedure or arrangement
36  Eater A person who consumes
37  Election 2016 Presidential Election
38  Faith Healer A person who Heals Weak Faith
39  Fascism Dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society
40  Fellowship Friendly association with people who share interests.
41  Few Or Many Will there be few or many who find Christ ?
42  Foreign And Domestic Enemies of the Constitution of the U.S.
43  Gospel Power Gospel = Power of God unto Salvation
44  Grace Rights Actively appropriating Grace is a privilege, a right and a responsibility
45  Guilt Imputation Being pressured to receive Guilt from outside
46  Hardened Heart A Heart that has been tempered so that it is fixed
47  Healing The state or act of being healed (see Heal)
48  Healing Release Releasing Healing
49  Healing School A place where you learn about Healing
50  Health Care Doctor and hospital visits, therapy and medication
51  Hebrews Letter from Paul to the descendents of Jacob - the Jews
52  Heir One who Inherits
53  Holy Spirit Acts The Acts of the Holy Spirit
54  Illegal Drug A Drug for which a law has been made forbidding its use
55  Illegals What to do with illegal immigrants
56  Immigration Silent Invasion of America
57  Incongruities Incongruities in America
58  Inspired The Bible is Inspired by God
59  Invalid Being without foundation or force in fact, truth, or law
60  Jesus Is God Call God by His real name
61  Judicial Fraud When the judicial system fails to apply equal justice for all
62  Law A system of rules which have Consequences
63  Lawless Not obedient to laws
64  Law Of Faith The Spiritual Law involving the Power of Faith
65  Lawyer Liability Lawyers carry the inherent liability of rejecting absolutes
66  Legal Pertaining to or Consistent with Law
67  Legalism Acceptance based on Obedience to Law
68  Legal Is Not Necessarily Moral Defining morality in terms of legality is dangerous
69  Legal System The partnership between law makers and practitioners
70  Legal Tender Paper money is legal tender
71  LWI Living While Intoxicated
72  Marriage Union of a male and female in holy matrimony
73  Medicine Medicine - Legal and illegal drugs
74  MLK Martin Luther King, Jr.
75  Molech The fire into which children were thrown to appease Baal
76  Name Of Jesus The powerful, glorious name of Jesus
77  Narrow Way Jesus is the narrow way the strait gate
78  National Defense Defending America
79  New Creature We are a new spirit being in the New Birth
80  New Normal Term for living in Fear, Bondage and Rebellion
81  New Wine The Holy Spirit and the Word
82  Obedience Submission to another's Authority
83  Old Testament Christian A believer who connects more with Law than Grace
84  Original Sin The first Sin - the root of all Sin
85  Ownership The state of possessing something
86  Persecution To suffer as a result of being different
87  Poison Anything that is unhealthy
88  Political Mental Illness Signs of political mental illness
89  Private Property Property which is documented as owned by a non-government entity
90  Racism 3 Racism is a Constitutional right
91  Racism 4 Slavery is not the cause of Racism
92  Recreated We are not refurbished, we are New Spirit beings In Christ Jesus
93  Redemption The act of buying back - Salvation
94  Rights Violation What option is there for a person whose rights are violated?
95  Rule Of Law The concept that governance can be successful via laws
96  Satanic Dominion Evidence of the dominion of Satan over earth
97  Scribe A Lawyer who preserved the scriptures and handled civil transactions
98  Scribes Pharisees And Hypocrites Enemies of Truth
99  Secession Reconstitution Secession from or reconstruction of a Union
100  Section 230 Protection of internet Content Collectors
101  Secular Humanism Religion of the Antichrist
102  Sin Transgression of moral Law , the child of Temptation , the parent of Death
103  Sin Conscious Aware of Sin, thinking of Lust and Guilt.
104  Solidarity Agreement with and support for the members of a political group
105  Soul Salvation The redemption of our mind, emotions and will
106  Sovereign Immunity The government cannot be sued without its consent
107  Strip Tags Copy source code from sites which block copy operations and view it here so that you can copy it
108  Supreme Court The protector of the Constitution
109  System Entropy The life cycle of a System
110  The New Hate Hate attributed to people who disagree on ideology or policy
111  The System The man made System that controls
112  Thieving Obtaining illegally in secret
113  Tithe Ten percent of increase
114  Tone The general character or attitude of a sound or piece of writing
115  Traction The grip of a tire on a road
116  Trump Impeachment Speech after 2nd acquittal
117  Word Hijacking Using good words to mask evil intentions