# | Item | Description |
1 | 1 - Overcoming Doubt | How To Overcome Doubt |
2 | 1 - You've Already Got It! | You've already got everything you need |
3 | 2 - Redemption | Redemption |
4 | 2 - The True Nature Of God | The True Nature of God |
5 | 4 - Christians And Politics | Christians and Politics |
6 | 4 - Sky Is Not Falling | The Sky Is Not Falling |
7 | 4 - Word Became Flesh | Word Became Flesh |
8 | 5 - Killing Sacred Cows | Killing Sacred Cows |
9 | 6 - A Sure Foundation | Seed Time Harvest |
10 | 6 - Galatians | The epistle to the Galatians |
11 | Accidentramifications | Ramifications of the accident |
12 | ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union |
13 | Agency Weaponization | Using unelected Government agencies to violate the Constitution |
14 | America - June - 2023 | Status update |
15 | America Decline | Why America is not great |
16 | America Occupied | America is currently being occupied by Atheistic, Globalist Communists |
17 | Barak Husein Obama | Barak Husein 'Osama islama' Obama |
18 | Bureaucrat | A person who is employed by the Government or one who encourages Government employment |
19 | Bureaucratic Elitism | Government agencies enforcing their values on the people |
20 | Cashless | Only accepting digital credits as Legal Tender |
21 | Celebrity Crash | The uncovering of the hypocritical |
22 | Charlie Reese Column | Charlie Reese last column for Orlando Sentinel |
23 | Check Your Theology | Taking a fresh look at the unfiltered Word Of God |
24 | Children | Progeny , offspring , legal heirs |
25 | Citizen | A legally recognized subject of a state |
26 | Confuse - us | A play on Confucius and Confucianism |
27 | Conservative | A person who espouses Conservatism |
28 | Constitution | The Constitution of the United States |
29 | Corporate Evil | Using their power through wealth to fight against God |
30 | Covenant | Contract, Testament |
31 | Cycle | A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order |
32 | Dan Rather | Godfather of political shills posing as news anchors |
33 | Delegitimize | To strip of legal standing |
34 | Discipline | To make a person a Disciple |
35 | Duly | In accordance with what is required or appropriate; following proper procedure or arrangement |
36 | Eater | A person who consumes |
37 | Election | 2016 Presidential Election |
38 | Faith Healer | A person who Heals Weak Faith |
39 | Fascism | Dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society |
40 | Fellowship | Friendly association with people who share interests. |
41 | Few Or Many | Will there be few or many who find Christ ? |
42 | Foreign And Domestic | Enemies of the Constitution of the U.S. |
43 | Gospel Power | Gospel = Power of God unto Salvation |
44 | Grace Rights | Actively appropriating Grace is a privilege, a right and a responsibility |
45 | Guilt Imputation | Being pressured to receive Guilt from outside |
46 | Hardened Heart | A Heart that has been tempered so that it is fixed |
47 | Healing | The state or act of being healed (see Heal) |
48 | Healing Release | Releasing Healing |
49 | Healing School | A place where you learn about Healing |
50 | Health Care | Doctor and hospital visits, therapy and medication |
51 | Hebrews | Letter from Paul to the descendents of Jacob - the Jews |
52 | Heir | One who Inherits |
53 | Holy Spirit Acts | The Acts of the Holy Spirit |
54 | Illegal Drug | A Drug for which a law has been made forbidding its use |
55 | Illegals | What to do with illegal immigrants |
56 | Immigration | Silent Invasion of America |
57 | Incongruities | Incongruities in America |
58 | Inspired | The Bible is Inspired by God |
59 | Invalid | Being without foundation or force in fact, truth, or law |
60 | Jesus Is God | Call God by His real name |
61 | Judicial Fraud | When the judicial system fails to apply equal justice for all |
62 | Law | A system of rules which have Consequences |
63 | Lawless | Not obedient to laws |
64 | Law Of Faith | The Spiritual Law involving the Power of Faith |
65 | Lawyer Liability | Lawyers carry the inherent liability of rejecting absolutes |
66 | Legal | Pertaining to or Consistent with Law |
67 | Legalism | Acceptance based on Obedience to Law |
68 | Legal Is Not Necessarily Moral | Defining morality in terms of legality is dangerous |
69 | Legal System | The partnership between law makers and practitioners |
70 | Legal Tender | Paper money is legal tender |
71 | LWI | Living While Intoxicated |
72 | Marriage | Union of a male and female in holy matrimony |
73 | Medicine | Medicine - Legal and illegal drugs |
74 | MLK | Martin Luther King, Jr. |
75 | Molech | The fire into which children were thrown to appease Baal |
76 | Name Of Jesus | The powerful, glorious name of Jesus |
77 | Narrow Way | Jesus is the narrow way the strait gate |
78 | National Defense | Defending America |
79 | New Creature | We are a new spirit being in the New Birth |
80 | New Normal | Term for living in Fear, Bondage and Rebellion |
81 | New Wine | The Holy Spirit and the Word |
82 | Obedience | Submission to another's Authority |
83 | Old Testament Christian | A believer who connects more with Law than Grace |
84 | Original Sin | The first Sin - the root of all Sin |
85 | Ownership | The state of possessing something |
86 | Persecution | To suffer as a result of being different |
87 | Poison | Anything that is unhealthy |
88 | Political Mental Illness | Signs of political mental illness |
89 | Private Property | Property which is documented as owned by a non-government entity |
90 | Racism 3 | Racism is a Constitutional right |
91 | Racism 4 | Slavery is not the cause of Racism |
92 | Recreated | We are not refurbished, we are New Spirit beings In Christ Jesus |
93 | Redemption | The act of buying back - Salvation |
94 | Rights Violation | What option is there for a person whose rights are violated? |
95 | Rule Of Law | The concept that governance can be successful via laws |
96 | Satanic Dominion | Evidence of the dominion of Satan over earth |
97 | Scribe | A Lawyer who preserved the scriptures and handled civil transactions |
98 | Scribes Pharisees And Hypocrites | Enemies of Truth |
99 | Secession Reconstitution | Secession from or reconstruction of a Union |
100 | Section 230 | Protection of internet Content Collectors |
101 | Secular Humanism | Religion of the Antichrist |
102 | Sin | Transgression of moral Law , the child of Temptation , the parent of Death |
103 | Sin Conscious | Aware of Sin, thinking of Lust and Guilt. |
104 | Solidarity | Agreement with and support for the members of a political group |
105 | Soul Salvation | The redemption of our mind, emotions and will |
106 | Sovereign Immunity | The government cannot be sued without its consent |
107 | Strip Tags | Copy source code from sites which block copy operations and view it here so that you can copy it |
108 | Supreme Court | The protector of the Constitution |
109 | System Entropy | The life cycle of a System |
110 | The New Hate | Hate attributed to people who disagree on ideology or policy |
111 | The System | The man made System that controls |
112 | Thieving | Obtaining illegally in secret |
113 | Tithe | Ten percent of increase |
114 | Tone | The general character or attitude of a sound or piece of writing |
115 | Traction | The grip of a tire on a road |
116 | Trump Impeachment | Speech after 2nd acquittal |
117 | Word Hijacking | Using good words to mask evil intentions |