Secular definition of charismatic: used to describe people who have an outgoing, energetic, and likable personality that seems to naturally draw other people to them.
Charismatic Christianity is a form of Christianity that emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts as an everyday part of a believer's life.
The Holy Spirit is the charism of Christ Jesus just as Christ Jesus is the physical manifestation of His charisma.
When Jesus said His Father was greater than Himself, He was merely elevating His Holy Spirit over His Body.
We who are Born Again should be doing the same. We are New Creatures, New Spirit beings in which our spirit identity is greater than our physical identity.
Jesus is the Spirit Soul And Body of the True And Living God.
The Body Of God is in heaven at the right hand of the Throne Of Majesty.
The charism of Christ Jesus is the Spirit Of God who fills not only heaven and earth but all the universe.
It is the charisma of Christ Jesus who fills us and in which we abide.
It is the charisma of Christ Jesus that makes us One with Him.
When Jesus returns it will be His charism, His Holy Spirit in us, who raises and transforms us.
Those who reject the charisma of Christ Jesus effectively reject Christ Jesus as His charisma is the greater of part of who He is.
Those who reject the charisma of Christ Jesus while using His name are among those who will appear before Him only to hear the words: "Depart from me, I never knew you."
The Holy Spirit charisma of Christ Jesus is His character who manifest His Spirit Fruit and Spirit Gifts.
Satan has convinced many 'believers' in Christ Jesus that His charism, His Holy Spirit, is not necessary.
But unless a person has the Spirit Of Christ in them, they are none of His.
Where did the distaste for the Spirit Of Christ come from? Satan, the thief and liar.
Jesus commands us to do our First Works, to return to our First Love.
It is time to honor the HolySpiritOfChrist Jesus and worship Him using His name - Jesus.