    [ Created: 2021-11-23 07:39:34  Updated: 2021-11-29 21:06:11   Owner: rl ]
Title: Love is of God, Lust is of the Flesh    

Now this I Say, brothers, that Flesh and Blood cannot Inherit the Kingdom of God; neither does Corruption Inherit incorruption. - 1Co 15:50

Lust is an animalistic desire for and attraction to that which gratifies the Flesh.

HumanLove is a strange, undependable mix between the LoveOfGod and Lust. The reason HumanLove breaks down is because our Lust is no longer gratified.

The LoveOfGod is a desire for and attraction to the Beauty, Goodness, Purpose and Life that is in His Creation.

The LoveOfGod is selfless and giving.