    [ Created: 2021-11-20 08:05:06  Updated: 2021-11-20 09:06:51   Owner: rl ]
Title: A person who enjoys the benefits of others efforts    

Sixty years ago Red Skelton did a skit involving 'Freddy the Freeloader'. he was a funny man and his skit made Freeloaders (at least this Freeloader) cute and loveable.

But are Freeloaders really cute and loveable?

What is a Freeloader? It is a person who 'loads' for 'free'. It is a person who takes advantage of others. It is a selfish person without a sense of Community.

There is nothing cute about Freeloaders. There is nothing loveable about them. They are weights which hold back Society by their neediness while setting a bad example for those who tend toward laziness.

Our Nation has over 500,000 Homeless people - financial Freeloaders.

But financial Freeloaders is not the focus of this article.y pers

This article is about Spiritual Freeloaders.

America became great by virtue of its Spiritual Roots. If you think about it, the native Americans who lived on the same land for a thousand years did not make the land great. As a matter of fact, they were a stagnant people going nowhere as slow as possibly.

The problem with the native Americans was Spiritual. They were devoid of the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and so lived their lives as just a higher order Animal.

The natural wealth of this land did not bring Prosperity and Greatness. It was the Spritual value system in the people who brought WesternCivilization to the land.

What has this got to do with Freeloaders?

If any person is not living their life as a Christian in this Society they are Freeloaders.

Such people are likely undermining the Principles of Freedom, Faith, Responsibiliy and Accountability while enjoying the Fruits of those who have lived according to those Principles. Such people are weakening America day by day and we see it happening right before our eyes.

Such people are Freeloaders whether they are Homeless or not.

It is the traditional American who lives in Faith, Freedom, Responsibiliy and Accountability that underpins this Society. As the number of those people decreases the number of Spiritual Freeloaders increases.

The result of this trend will be our fall as a Society. We will be reduced to the state of the native Americans who, as said before, just lived their simple lives as higher order Animals.

Now, the Environmentalists and Green people may think this is a good thing, but such people are Spiritually bankrupt and should be categorically dismissed because of the Darkness and Foolishness in their Minds and Hearts.

Rather than focusing on the national problem as if someone else is responsible, let's take a look at how we have encouraged our youth to be Freeloaders.

We used to call giving a child everything they want as 'spoiling them'. What this meant is that you were creating a Freeloader.

Today there are millions of young people who never launch. They live off their parents and/or the Government well into their thirties and forties. Hopefully, by the time they are in their forties they can just inherit the rest of their parents' property and so never have to contribute.

This is not just about financial Freeloaders. It is about Spiritual Freeloaders.

A Spiritual Freeloader does not have God as their foundation. They are their own god.

A Spiritual Freeloader does not take responsibility for themselves. Someone else must provide for them.

A Spiritual Freeloader comes to hate those who have not provided for them as they desired.

What causes a person to be a Freeloader? The SinNature that all people are born with.

What is the cure for the SinNature? The NewBirth by the HolySpirit through Faith in Jesus Christ.

But even after a person is BornAgain they must be disciplined to walk in the Spirit rather than in the Flesh.

Disciplined to make the right Moral decisions.
Disciplined to have a sense of Community.
Disciplined to work and produce.
Disciplined to Study the Word.
Disciplined to Pray in the Spirit.
Disciplined to Fellowship with other Believers (go to Church)

How many of the Nation's youth are introduced to Christ Jesus at an early age? How many of those who have come to Christ are Disciplined as stated above?

In conclusion, any person who is on the negative side of the scales in terms of receiving and giving is a Freeloader. Those who live morally bankrupt lives are Spiritual Freeloaders in the same way a Homeless person is a Financial Freeloader.

The number of Spiritual Freeloaders far outnumbers that of Financial Freeloaders but both are sign of Spiritual disease and will ultimately destroy our Society.