[ Created: 2023-02-18 12:42:53  Updated: 2023-02-18 13:17:53 Owner: rl ]
Title: The place where our Lord dwells    


In the Old Testament the Temple Of God was first the tabernacle and then Solomon's temple.   Nehemiah rebuilt the temple.   The last physical temple was destroyed in 70 AD.   
Howbeit the most High dwells not in temples made with hands; as says the prophet, -
The Most High is the Holy Spirit and He dwells in those who receive Him by Christ Jesus.

the Lord that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwells not in temples made with hands; -

The New Testament Temple Of God is our individual body and the Body Of Christ as a whole.   
Know you not that you are the temple of the Lord, and that the Holy Spirit dwells in you? -
When we are Born Again of the Word and Holy Spirit we become a New Spirit being .     

Our Soul begins a process of transformation by the renewing of our minds and reshaping of oue emotions.     

When we are Spirit Baptised our body is filled with the Holy Spirit .     

In Spirit Baptism the Lord dwells in our physical body rather than man-made buildings .     
This understanding is necessary for us to operate in the power and authority of the Lord on earth.     

Our body however is corrupted and is corruptible .     

Who we are in Christ is the temple of the Lord and it is by faith.     It is the New Spirit being that is hidden with Chriat in the Lord .     

If any man defile the temple of the Lord, him shall the Lord destroy; for the temple of the Lord is holy, which temple you are. -
How do you defile the temple of the Lord when it (our body) is already defiled?     

Our body will be redeemed at the appearing of Christ.     It will be translated from corruptible to incorruptible.     

So what is Paul speaking of in this verse?     
He is talking about our faith in Christ Jesus.     

A person defiles what the Lord has made of them in the New Birth by renouncing their faith.     
Such will be destroyed.

What?     know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have of the Lord, and you are not your own? -
Your body is the vehicle for your soul.     

Since you are a New Spirit being In Christ, the challenge is to invert the order of dominance in your life.     
Rather than being motivated by the flesh first, emotions second and spirit third, you should be motivated by the New Spirit which directs your soul which controls your body.     

The Holy Spirit and your New Spirit are one.     

By following the new order of spirit, soul then body, the Holy Spirit is able to direct your life, using your body as His vehicle just as He did our Lord Jesus Christ.     

For this new order to be effected, your mind (soul) must be transformed to the Mind Of Christ.

And what agreement has the temple of the Lord with idols?     for you are the temple of the living Holy Spirit; as the Lord has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their Lord, and they shall be my people. -
One can take this exhortation and read into it that we should become clannish and not associate at all with unbelievers.     But, if we did, how would they receive the Gospel?     

We must associate with them because of the love of Christ as light to their darkness for the purpose of their salvation.     But we must be in charge of the relationship.

With respect to the Anti Christ sitting in the Temple Of God it is most likely that he establishes his lies and his control over many believers.   

We see this happening as people who name the name of Jesus have rejected His Word, His authority and His Holy Spirit in favor of a manufactured Jesus who fits into their comfort zone.