One aspect of the traditional view of God is that He is a different person (trinitarianism) than the Lord Jesus Christ.
That 'God' is ill-defined, mysterious, separated from us, unapproachable and judgmental.
But the True And Living God is manifested in the Lord Jesus Christ
→ who is Spirit, Soul and Body,
→ who created us in His image, and
→ who has given us His Holy Spirit by which we are One with Him.
There is One name for God and it is Jesus .
There is One Spirit whose express image is Christ Jesus .
There is One name by which we are saved - Jesus .
There is only One way to address His Holy Spirit and that is using His name - Jesus .
Jesus said: "Come unto Me", He did not say "Come unto God" .
We are to be baptized in the name of Jesus .
Communion is all about remembering that Jesus is the God of our salvation, healing and life .
Isaiah said that the One born of the Holy Spirit would be Mighty God .
Jesus said: "I am the Way, Truth and Life" .
Jesus is our God and we will have no other gods before Him as Jesus Himself said that He (Jesus) has all power in heaven and earth .