And the Lord said, I will make man in my image, after my likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.  |
From these verses alone it is evident that the Lord has delegated Dominion over the earth to man and expects His Will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
So, Dominionism is absolutely Scriptural.
What then is the foundation for arguments against Dominionism?
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. |
Does this not sound like a takeover of the world?
Admittedly not in a traditional manner, but in a spiritual manner by the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the Word Of The Lord.
Now, let`s just consider the implications of not accepting Dominionism as the will of the Lord.
If Christians are not to Rule the Earth, who should?
→ Unbelievers?
→ Pagans?
→ Megalomaniacs?
→ Environmentalists?
→ Social Engineers?
→ Fascists?
→ Communists?
→ Aryans?
None of the classes of people listed above are bound by any higher standard than themselves.
Christians are bound to the authority of the Lord their Creator, Saviour, Master and Lord. They are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. They are charged to keep the Golden Rule. They are expected to manifest the character of the Lord by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
You see, there is no rational argument for anyone other than Christians to be at the head of all nations and institutions.
Those who deny the Word Of God and the power of the Holy Spirit are resisting the Will Of God.
Unfortunately, the corruption of the Catholic Church has led to the rejection of our privilege and responsibility to rule the earth as Christ`s stewards until He returns.
The reason the Catholic Church became corrupted is they turned away from the Word Of God and the Holy Spirit to rule by reason, in pride and greed.
They ended up as a purely political entity using religion as leverage to control the people.
But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. |
So, when you use the word, ruler, with respect to Christian rulers you are actually talking about Christian servants.
Some will still draw back from the Lord`s will by saying that many Christians don`t live up to their calling. Granted, but if one such was placed in a leadership (service) role and violated Christian principles regarding the office in which they served, they would be removed for violating those principles.
When was the last time a secular leader was removed for lying? Christians understand that Satan is the father of liars and therefore lying is totally unacceptable.
When was the last time a secular politician was removed from office for using their office for personal gain? Self-service is greed and idolatry from a Christian perspective and thus grounds for removal from office.
These are just of couple of examples of the differences between secular and Christian leadership.
There are actually Seven Mountains of Influence in the secular world. Each of these Mountains of Influence should be headed by Christians.
There is no sane argument against this and there is no scriptural one either.
Lastly, what will Jesus do when He returns?
He will violently take over the world. It is called the Day Of Wrath.
Pacifism is not of the Lord.
For those who reject the notion of Dominionism:
In what universe would the King Of Kings be happy with His kingdom being ruled by his enemies rather than His friends?
Listen to the Word regarding the authority and the responsibility of the righteous to reign:
To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;  Those who oppose the Lord should be humbled, removed from office and placed in chains. |