[ Created: 2021-11-19 09:38:22  Updated: 2023-07-20 07:32:34 Owner: rl ]
Title: A Conviction that Christians ought to Rule the Nations of the World    



And the Lord said, I will make man in my image, after my likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.
The 'us' and 'our' pronouns were written into the translations because of the implications of Elohim possibly being more than one God.     We know this is error because of

The correct rendering is 'I will make man in my image, after my likeness'.     

Jesus is the Truth about Creator God.     The Word tells us that He is Creator and that He is the express image of the Father, the Holy Spirit - His Spirit.     

Man was created to be like the Lord in His image to share in dominion with Him over the universe.     

Man's part of the universe is the earth to which the Lord gave Adam dominion.     Adam was in relationship with the Lord and was expected to refer to the Lord for whatever wisdom he needed to rule the earth.     

Adam's sin caused two things:
1) Adam's spirit was corrupted into a Sin Nature thus losing fellowship with the Lord.     
2) Adam relinquished dominion over the earth to Satan.     

And he said unto them, When you pray, say, Our heavenly Father, Hallowed be your name.     Your kingdom come.     Your will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
We need to understand that our God is the Holy Spirit who exists in the Spirit Realm (heaven) and He is the one who begot the body of Christ Jesus and He is the one who births us into the Spirit Realm by faith in Christ Jesus.     

The Holy Spirit has ordained that mankind be the vessels that He dwells in.     Our Lord Jesus is the specifically created body for Him to manifest Himself.     Jesus is the firstfruit of those bodies which the Holy Spirit seeks to dwell in.     

The Holy Spirit chooses to rule the earth through the bodies of humans to whom He has given dominion.     

The HolySpirit's will is that the earth be under the dominion of men who honour Him and direct the affairs of other men accordingly.     Adam was give dominion but he relinqushed it to Satan.     

Jesus redeemed the earth and made it possible for fallen man to be Born Again and Spirit Filled in order to take over dominion of the earth in His absence.     

Because of the deceit of Satan, man has once again relinquished dominion over the earth to Satan.     

When Jesus returns He will reclaim dominion over the earth and establish the Millennial Kingdom which is ruled by the Holy Spirit filled man, Jesus, just as He had intended from the beginning.

From these verses alone it is evident that the Lord has delegated Dominion over the earth to man and expects His Will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.   

So, Dominionism is absolutely Scriptural.   

What then is the foundation for arguments against Dominionism?   
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
What does Jesus mean by His 'Kingdom is not of this World'?     
In His first advent Jesus had a single objective to accomplish - to enable man's relationship with Him to be restored.     He was not concerned with political, social, economic or even religious institutions at His first advent.     

Jesus had to be the sacrifice for sin.     

His plan was to regenerate and empower man to take dominion over the earth through the power of His Holy Spirit by the preaching of the Gospel to every person.     

Jesus' plan was for Spirit Filled man to rule the earth as His stewards until His return at which time He would assume the throne of David in the Millennial Kingdom.

And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Who gave Jesus this power and authority?     
His Holy Spirit who had birthed Him, annointed Him and raised Him from the dead is the source of all things and Jesus is His express image.     

If all power in heaven and earth belongs to Christ Jesus there is no power or authority left for any other being in the universe.     
This means that He and He alone is
    Mighty God
    Everlasting Father

This verse speaks to the singleness of God as manifested in Christ Jesus.     In the next verse Jesus tells us to teach and baptize people in His name as He is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:
We are to teach all nations.     What do we teach?     
The Gospel of Jesus Christ - not the Gospel of God.     

What is the key component of the Gospel?     That Jesus is the Truth about our Creator.     

What is the Truth?     That Jesus is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.     
Note that name is singular - there is only one name and that is Jesus.     

But how can Jesus be the Father and the Son?     To understand this we must know who the Father is.     He is the Holy Spirit.     

Jesus said 'I and my Father are One'.     This means that the Holy Spirit Father is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.     Jesus spoke through the prophets about Himself by His Holy Spirit.     He then became the person He prophesied about - Jesus.     

Jesus fathered Himself by His Holy Spirit, just as He raised Himself from the dead by His Holy Spirit.     

So, rather than talking about some confusing trinitarian circular logic involving a three-in-one godhead, we aught to recognize
    that Jesus is the name of the Father,
    that Jesus is the name of the Son and
    that Jesus is the name of the Holy Spirit.     

The name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is Jesus.     

Jesus instructed us to use His name when speaking to His Holy Spirit Father in us.     He said 'ask the Father in my name'.     Referring to a person by name adds precision and honor to the address.     

Our Creator is Spirit Soul And Body just as we are who were created in His image.     

Jesus is Lord!     
Be Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.     Amen.
Notice that Jesus said we are to teach what He has said - not what the Father or Holy Spirit says.     Why?     
Because He, Jesus, is the voice, the image of the Holy Spirit Father, the Incarnate Word.     

So we see that it is in teaching that believers are 'immersed' (baptised) into Him.     

He is saying make disciples of the believers and that He will never forsake us.     
But He did forsake us.     He ascended to Heaven.     
However, He sent us His Holy Spirit who is His essence and power.     

'All things' means that what Jesus told the original disciples was not just for them but for all men for all time.

Does this not sound like a takeover of the world?   
Admittedly not in a traditional manner, but in a spiritual manner by the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the Word Of The Lord.   

Now, let`s just consider the implications of not accepting Dominionism as the will of the Lord.   

If Christians are not to Rule the Earth, who should?   
    Social Engineers?   

None of the classes of people listed above are bound by any higher standard than themselves.   

Christians are bound to the authority of the Lord their Creator, Saviour, Master and Lord.   They are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.   They are charged to keep the Golden Rule.   They are expected to manifest the character of the Lord by the indwelling Holy Spirit.   

You see, there is no rational argument for anyone other than Christians to be at the head of all nations and institutions.   

Those who deny the Word Of God and the power of the Holy Spirit are resisting the Will Of God.   

Unfortunately, the corruption of the Catholic Church has led to the rejection of our privilege and responsibility to rule the earth as Christ`s stewards until He returns.   

The reason the Catholic Church became corrupted is they turned away from the Word Of God and the Holy Spirit to rule by reason, in pride and greed.   

They ended up as a purely political entity using religion as leverage to control the people.   
But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
When a Christian is placed in a position of leadership they are actually receiving a heavier responsibility of service and accountability.

So, when you use the word, ruler, with respect to Christian rulers you are actually talking about Christian servants.   

Some will still draw back from the Lord`s will by saying that many Christians don`t live up to their calling.   Granted, but if one such was placed in a leadership (service) role and violated Christian principles regarding the office in which they served, they would be removed for violating those principles.   

When was the last time a secular leader was removed for lying?   Christians understand that Satan is the father of liars and therefore lying is totally unacceptable.   

When was the last time a secular politician was removed from office for using their office for personal gain?   Self-service is greed and idolatry from a Christian perspective and thus grounds for removal from office.   

These are just of couple of examples of the differences between secular and Christian leadership.   

There are actually Seven Mountains of Influence in the secular world.   Each of these Mountains of Influence should be headed by Christians.   

There is no sane argument against this and there is no scriptural one either.   

Lastly, what will Jesus do when He returns?   
He will violently take over the world.   It is called the Day Of Wrath.   
Pacifism is not of the Lord.   
Neither give place to the devil.
We have to wilfully and purposefully dislodge the devil whenever and whereever we find him.     We ought always to be on attack toward him.     

This principle also applies to society in general.     

To give place to the devil is to give standing to him.     He has been displaced by Christ Jesus as lord of the earth.     

But he now wheadles his way into men whom he uses to kill steal and destroy.     Such men aught to be confronted with the Truth.     Those that receive the Truth will be saved.     Those who reject the Truth aught to be disenfranchised.     

This attitude and action is as necessary for the good of society as the disenfranchisement of Satan is for the good of the individual.

For those who reject the notion of Dominionism:
In what universe would the King Of Kings be happy with His kingdom being ruled by his enemies rather than His friends?   

Listen to the Word regarding the authority and the responsibility of the righteous to reign:
Let the high praises of the Lord be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;
We need to praise the Lord with our mouths.     People need to hear us praising the Lord.     

Is the two-edged sword the Word Of The Lord or is it the weapon of physical warfare?     

When we go into any challenge, we aught to go with praise upon our lips for the victorious One.

To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;
The answer from the previous note is that the two-edged sword is for physical battle.     It is to be used to put the heathen and the rebellious people in their places.     Such are not supposed to be in authority on this earth.     It belongs to Christ Jesus and His joint heirs.

To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;
Those who oppose the Lord should be humbled, removed from office and placed in chains.

To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints.     Praise you the Lord.
The Children Of The Lord have been given the honour of executing judgment upon the heathen and rebellious people.     

Why are we not doing so?     

As a result, the praise of the Lord has been quietened.