| And I fell at his feet to Worship him. And he said unto me, See you do it not: I am your fellowservant, and of your brothers that have the Testimony of Jesus: Worship God: for the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. - Rev 19:10The TestimonyOfJesusChrist states that Jesus is: 1) SonOfGod 2) SonOfMan, 3) WayTruthAndLife 4) DoorToHeaven, 5) ImageOfGod, 6) RighteousJudge, 7) EverlastingFather, 8) PrinceOfPreace, 9) KingOfKings, 10) LordOfLords, 11) LambOfGod, 12) AlphaAndOmega, 13) SaviourAndLord, 14) AncientOfDays, 15) PersonalSaviour. |