What do you actually know?
I am not talking about what you have heard or been told. I am talking about things of which you have personal revelation.
The people who use the term Intellectual Dishonesty are usually those folks who have rejected the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ in favor of the lie from Satan.
So, they use the term Intellectual Dishonesty to denigrate those who have believed and received the Truth from heaven - Christ Jesus.
In order not to be lost one must know where home is and how to get back there if one has left home.
Intellectuals have a common problem, a flaw, and that is that they do not have a real home. They always consider where they are as their home. Their home is a question, not an answer.
But man was created by the Lord Jesus Christ to be in intimate personal relationship with Him. That purpose and that place is home.
Those who receive Christ Jesus find their home. So wherever they go, they know where home is and how to get there.
In comparison, those who never find Christ Jesus drift through life with various perceptions of reality, none of which are valid.
The scriptures tell us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge.
Disconnection from the Lord is one thing. Rejection of the Lord is quite another. The fool has said in his heart "there is no God".
So, do not honor those who only hold secular credentials as they are lost, totally incapable of leading you to a good place.
Do not be intimidated by such as they must denigrate you to shore-up their own ideology from the many doubts and fears that plague them.