To take a VowOfPoverty may seem like a very Spiritual thing to do. However, every person who has take such a vow has assumed someone else will provide for them.
In situations where ministers are traveling and unable to work a job to earn wages for their own support, there is a need for Supernatural provision for their basic needs.
This Supernatural provision (except for certain instances in Biblical history) has come through people inspired by God to give to the needs of those ministers.
Let him that is taught in the Word communicate unto him that teaches in all Good things. -
Gal 6:6We ought to
Edify others as others have edified us.
The word 'communicate' in the above passages speaks to 'giving and support' of the ministry.
Besides having to be supported by others another implication of a VowOfPoverty is that the person who assumes such a vow is unable to bless others with their excess.
Yet another implication of a VowOfPoverty is the self-centeredness of it. A person who assumes such a vow typically wants to spend their time in Fellowship with God. Though Fellowship with God is central to Christianity, we are not to Physically stay in our Prayer closets and Bible study enclaves edifying ourselves only.
This is the GreatCommission representing our marching orders from our Saviour and King.
We are not Saved to be packaged up and preserved until the Return of Christ or Death. We are Saved and left on this Earth to impact the World with our Testimony of Jesus Christ.
In their defense, I believe that many people of the past who took a VowOfPoverty were hungering for more of God. However, their Ignorance of the Baptism of the HolySpirit resulted in them missing the very Blessing which fulfills this Promise:
We are to be 'filled' with the HolySpirit.
If there is any question left about the validity of a VowOfPoverty as something of God, listen to what Jesus said:
In this pivotal verse Jesus tells us the game plan of Satan and His plan for us. In a VowOfPoverty Satan steals AbundantLife.
Lastly, it is critical to understand Grace.
The HolySpirit is God and He gives Himself to those who simply Ask. In no other way can we experience more of God than to be filled with His Spirit.