[ Created: 2021-10-28 20:05:44  Updated: 2022-02-11 13:32:38 Owner: rl ]
Title: Education whose foundation and orientation is Christ Jesus     

And you shall Teach them ordinances and laws, and shall show them the Way wherein they must Walk, and the Work that they must Do. - Exo 18:20
Everyone needs Education.     But what kind of Education?     

It is interesting that God did not emphasize reading, writing and arithmetic.     Why?     Because these skills were obviously important and Society naturally gravitates toward this kind of Education.     

So, what Education did God put forward?     Spiritual Education which instructed people how to live a Productive life, in Peace and Unity.     Immorality, Sin, Wickedness all serve to destroy the Individual and so the Society in which they live.

And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I Will Give you Tables of stone, and a Law, and Commandments which I have written; that you may Teach them. - Exo 24:12
We need to Know what God thinks about things.     After all, He Created us, He Loves us and He wants us to Prosper.     

How do our Children Know what God thinks?     We Teach them or they remain Ignorant.     

See Exo 18:20.     

And that you may Teach the Children of Israel all the statutes which the LORD has Spoken unto them by the hand of Moses. - Lev 10:11
The command is that we continue to Teach succeeding generates about the Lord and His standards.     

To not do so enables the untaught to live ignorantly a life of living Death.

Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I Teach you, for to do them, that you may Live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your Fathers gives you. - Deu 4:1
Everyone wants to be successful.     
But Ignorance does not lead to Success.     

Knowledge is Power - especially Knowledge of God.     

In this verse, the Jews are told that they will be successful in taking the Promised Land if they are taught God's standards and keep them.

Only take heed to yourself, and keep your Soul diligently, lest you forget the things which your Eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your Heart all the days of your Life: but Teach them your sons, and your sons' sons; - Deu 4:9
We must Teach our Children.     They inherit our DNA but not our Morality which comes from our Knowledge of God.

And you shall Teach them diligently unto your Children, and shall Talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walks by the Way, and when you lie down, and when you risest up. - Deu 6:7
To do something "diligently" is to to it seriously, consistently and with conviction.     

We are to Educate our Children about God.

And you shall Teach them your Children, Speaking of them when you sit in your house, and when you walks by the Way, when you lie down, and when you risest up. - Deu 11:19
We need to spend most of our time teaching our Children about God.     
Sunday School is good but it is not sufficient.     

When you Teach someone else, you also relearn and remind yourself so it is a double blessing.

Then Hear you in Heaven, and Forgive the Sin of your servants, and of your People Israel, that you Teach them the Good Way wherein they should Walk, and Give rain upon your land, which you have given to your People for an Inheritance. - 1Ki 8:36
Ignorance of God leads to Sin and Destruction.     

When people are Taught about God they are being Taught the Good Way and are able to be Prosper and be Successful.

Show me your ways, O LORD; Teach me your paths. - Psm 25:4
In order for us to be Educated we must have a desire to be Taught.     

If your Heart is not like David's, it needs to be.     
He wanted the Knowledge of God in his Mind and Heart.

I Will instruct you and Teach you in the Way which you shall go: I Will guide you with mine Eye. - Psm 32:8
God is the Perfect Educator.     He Created us so He knows who we are and what we need.     He Loves us so His Teaching is in our best interest.     
If we wander from the best Way His Eye is upon us to help get us back on track.

Come, you Children, hearken unto me: I Will Teach you the Fear of the LORD. - Psm 34:11
Honouring God is the Foundation of Wisdom and Knowledge.     

Every Child needs a Good Foundation and the Knowledge of Christ Jesus is the only true Foundation.

Teach me your Way, O LORD; I Will Walk in your Truth: unite my Heart to Fear your Name. - Psm 86:11
Truth is only found in Christ Jesus.     

Education and Knowledge that is not founded in the Truth is Weak and prone to Failure.

He that chastises the Heathen, shall not he correct?     he that teaches man Knowledge, shall not he Know? - Psm 94:10
We have many Teachers now who do not Know.     Know what?     The Truth.     
Such Teachers are more apt to undermine Wisdom than not.     

When we Know God we ought to use that Knowledge to Reprove, Rebuke and Exhort the Heathen - those who are not in Relationship with God.

Blessed are you, O LORD: Teach me your statutes. - Psm 119:12
We must desire to Know God.     We must have a LoveOfTheTruth.

I have more Understanding than all my teachers: for your testimonies are my Meditation. - Psm 119:99
When a person is Taught the things of God and develops a heartfelt interest in the things of God, God will Teach them things even their Teachers did not Know.     

When we Meditate on the Word of God, the HolySpirit Teaches us.

If your Children Will keep my Covenant and my Testimony that I shall Teach them, their Children shall also sit upon your Throne for evermore. - Psm 132:12
When a Child Trusts the Promises of God, God draws them to Himself and Teaches them things that will empower them in Life.     

A person Strong in the Lord will rear their Children to Know the Lord and so establish them in His Favor and Power.

Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD your God which teaches you to profit, which leads you by the Way that you should go. - Isa 48:17
God wants us to Increase.     Yes He wants us to enjoy Prosperity.     

But we must be Taught of the Lord and we must Love His Teachings.     

His Word and His HolySpirit are our Teachers.

And they shall Teach my People the difference between the Holy and Profane, and cause them to Discern between the Unclean and the Clean. - Eze 44:23
God defines what is Good and what is Evil, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable, What is Holy and what is Filthy.     

We are not born being able to discern the differences because of our SinNature.     It is deceptive, convincing us that "it is not really that bad" and "one time won't hurt".

And many Nations shall come, and Say, Come, and let us go up to the Mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he Will Teach us of his ways, and we Will Walk in his paths: for the Law shall go forth of Zion, and the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem. - Mic 4:2
In the MillennialKingdom the Humans that live on Earth will need to be Taught so that they are able to overcome the wrong lessons from before Christ's Return.

And Jesus went about all Galilee, Teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and Healing all manner of Sickness and all manner of Disease among the People. - Mat 4:23
Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and Healed.

Whoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall Teach men so, he shall be Called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven: but whoever shall do and Teach them, the same shall be Called Great in the Kingdom of Heaven. - Mat 5:19
The Law defines God's Moral standards.     As NewCreatures we have that Law written in our Hearts.     Whether it is on stones or in our Hearts or whether man chooses to ignore it, it is still the Law of God by which man will be judged.     

Christ created new Law which superceded the original Law.     "Whom the Son has set Free is FreeIndeed.     He that believes on me will never die.     I am the Resurrection and the Life." The full Revelation of the Gospel would come through the Apostle Paul who revealed that Grace and Liberty are the new preeminent Laws of God.

Go you therefore, and Teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: - Mat 28:19
Jesus says 'all nations'.     The Gospel is for all Humanity.     His plan is that all Humanity experience Unity in the HolySpirit, each of us having the MindOfChrist.

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the World.     Amen. - Mat 28:20
He is saying make Disciples of the Believers and that He will never forsake us.     

'All things' means that what Jesus told the original Disciples was not just for them but for all men for all time.

And he marvelled because of their Unbelief.     And he went round about the villages, Teaching. - Mar 6:6
How can a person or group of people reject Truth and Deny Power in Unbelief when it is right in front of them?     Jesus did not understand it because He is Truth.     Believers don't understand it because they have a LoveOfTheTruth.

For the Holy Ghost shall Teach you in the same hour what you ought to Say. - Luk 12:12
Our Words ought always be taught by the HolySpirit.

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father Will send in my Name, he shall Teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. - Joh 14:26
Jesus is instructing the Disciples about the source of the Word - the HolySpirit.     Jesus Spoke the WordOfGod by the HolySpirit.     When the HolySpirit is in us, we can Speak the WordOfGod by that same Spirit.     

The HolySpirit Comforts us and Teaches us and reminds us of the specific WordOfGod to meet the situation at hand.     

No self Confidence, no Education, no Intelligence can make up for the lack of the HolySpirit.

And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to Teach and Preach Jesus Christ. - Act 5:42
The Gospel was fresh and exciting in those days.     Now we live in a Society which considers the Gospel passe.     We must find a way to reach the younger generation for Christ recognizing that their parents may never be converted.

Whom we Preach, warning every man, and Teaching every man in all Wisdom; that we may present every man Perfect in Christ Jesus: - Col 1:28
Warning of the price of rejection is part of the Gospel of GraceThroughFaith.     But the larger part has to do with our Perfection InChrist who Believe.

Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all Wisdom; Teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, singing with Grace in your Hearts to the Lord. - Col 3:16
We must willfully and purposefully allow the Word to Transform our Minds and Hearts so that we walk in Wisdom and Joy, worshipping God because of the Grace that has been imparted to us.

And the things that you have Heard of me among many Witnesses, the same commit you to Faithful men, who shall be able to Teach others also. - 2Ti 2:2
We must make a point of teaching the young the Gospel of GraceThroughFaith.

For the Time Will come when they Will not endure sound Doctrine; but after their own Lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; - 2Ti 4:3
Sound Doctrine comes from the Word by Revelation of the HolySpirit.     Philosophy comes from Satan through Vain men who reject the Word.

Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should Live soberly, righteously, and Godly, in this present World; - Tit 2:12
We ought all to manifest the NewSpirit.

And, you fathers, Provoke not your Children to Wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. - Eph 6:4
Do not be oppressive because of your rank.     Be Considerate and Patient while being firm with your Children.     

Most of all, teach them about God's Love for them and His deire for a personal Relationship,