[ Created: 2021-10-19 14:24:08  Updated: 2021-10-19 14:25:10 Owner: rl ]
Title: Doing something to achieve an aim    


References (268) to Action
ActionDoing something to achieve an aim
And this I speak for your own profit; not that I may cast a snare upon you, but for that which is comely, and that ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction.
Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.
Thus saith the Lord GOD; Let it suffice you, O princes of Israel: remove violence and spoil, and execute judgment and justice, take away your exactions from my people, saith the Lord GOD.
And if the people of the land bring ware or any victuals on the sabbath day to sell, that we would not buy it of them on the sabbath, or on the holy day: and that we would leave the seventh year, and the exaction of every debt.
Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer, which is guilty of death: but he shall be surely put to death.
And ye shall take no satisfaction for him that is fled to the city of his refuge, that he should come again to dwell in the land, until the death of the priest.
1 - Chronic Pain Healing4 Step Plan to Healing Chronic Pain
1 - Getting AlongGetting along with people
10  1 - Healing Because of His LoveHe Heals You Because He Loves You
11  1 - Knowledge Based FaithFaith for Healing is based on Knowledge
12  2 - The True Nature of God The True Nature of God
13  3 - Spirit Soul BodyYou are Spirit Soul and Body in Christ Jesus
14  4 - Christians and PoliticsChristians and Politics
15  4 - Godly FearThe Fear of the Lord
16  4 - Spirit LivingAre you Living in your Soul or your Spirit
17  4 - The Childrens BreadHealing is the children's Bread
18  5 - Financial Stewardship 2Financial Stewardship: The Practical Side
19  5 - Ministry of the Holy Spirit Positive Ministry of the Holy Spirit
20  6 - Anger ManagementAnger Management
21  6 - GalatiansThe epistle to the Galatians
22  6 - Praying and WordsPraying and the Words we Speak
23 1 - Hearing GodHow To Hear God’s Voice
24 1 - Staying Full of GodStaying Full Of God
25 1 - You've Already Got It!You've already got everything you need
26 2 - New YouNew You
27 2 - Where Am I FromWhere Did I Come From
28 3 - Sovereignty Of GodSovereignty Of God
29 3 - The Reality Of FaithThe Reality Of Faith
30 3 - Unanswered PrayerWhat to do when Prayer is unanswered
31 3 - What Pleases GodWhat Pleases God
32 3 - Whose Righteousness?Whose Righteousness?
33 4 - Harnessing EmotionsHarnessing Your Emotions
34 4 - Psychology vs.     ChristianityPsychology vs.     Christianity
35 5 - Do Not Limit GodDo Not Limit God
36 5 - Hard HeartHardness of Heart: A Condition You May Have and Not Even Know it…
37 6 - A Sure FoundationSeed Time Harvest
38 6 - Lessons from JosephSchool of hard knocks
39 7 - Holy SpiritThe Baptism of the Holy Spirit
40 900 horsepower and traction900 horsepower and traction
41  Search Search Tabs and Issues and FTP
42 About On InBelieving about Jesus, on Jesus and in Jesus
43 Abundant LifeLife on Earth enhanced and empowered by the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus
44 Accelerator PumpHolley accelerator pump tuning
45 AccountabilityThe requirement or responsibility to answer for actions
46 AcknowledgeAccept or admit the existence or truth of
47 ACLUAmerican Civil Liberties Union
48 AddictionCompulsive, repeated harmful action to oneself
49 AffectionA gentle feeling of fondness or liking
50 Affirmative ActionImmoral attempt to rectify past miatakes
51 Altar CallA traditional invitation for a person to come physically to an Altar to be Saved
52 America- June- 2020Status update
53 America- June- 2021Status update
54 AmericanWhat is an American?
55 American RevivalHow America Can be Healed
56 AmoralWithout moral principles
57 AngerA strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility
58 AngstAn unfocused feeling of deep anxiety or dread about the world or human condition
59 Animal AddictionUnable to spend extended time away from an Animal
60 Animal DiseaseExchanging body fluids with animals and resulting Diseases
61 AppropriationThe action of taking something that has been provided
62 AssignDesignate or set aside for a specific purpose
63 Audio NeededShow all MP4s for which there is no MP3
64 BabelThe spirit of Babel was the spirit of Baal under the leadership of Nimrod
65 Barak Husein ObamaBarak Husein 'Osama islama' Obama
66 Barna World ViewBarna survey re Worldview
67 BelievingThe state of being in Faith
68 Bureaucratic ElitismGovernment agencies enforcing their values on the people
69 CANVASCentre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies
70 CapitolUsed as a Church
71 Carbon FootprintThe amount of CO2 emissions associated with all the activities of an entity
72 CashlessOnly accepting digital credits as Legal Tender
73 CelebrityA well known person
74 Celebrity CrashThe uncovering of the hypocritical
75 ChampionA representative of the people who challenges their enemy
76 ChoiceAn act of selecting or making a decision
77 Christianity and IslamHow does a Christian deal with Islam?
78 CleanupTo recognize filth, round it up, pick it up and dispose of it
79 Climate and SpiritualityNature responds to Spiritual Law
80 Cognitive Dissonance'What we have here is a failure to communicate'
81 CollectiveA group of connected individuals projecting a group identify
82 ConfidenceThe state of feeling certain about the truth of something
83 Conscientious ObjectorOpposed to bearing arms on the grounds of moral or religious principles
84 Conservative ArtsBiblically based Education
85 Constitution CatechismArthur Standburry Constitution Catechism
86 ContactsSee all the users with accounts for the current project
87 ConversationGeneral course of actions or habits
88 Corona CostWhat will be the total cost of corona virus?
89 CorruptionBelow standard action - Corrupt
90 CovenantContract, Testament
91 CreationThat which is uniquely and originally brought into existence
92 Criminal MalfeasancePublic servant actions that violate the law or the pubic trust
93 C S_ Event_ DescriptionControl System Event Description
94 C S_ Process_ EventsControl System Process Event
95 DeceiveTo convince another of a Lie
96 DeedAn action with an objective and result
97 DEMO1_04 - Relationship With God Relationship With God
98 DEMO1_05 - The Nature of God The Nature of God
99 DEMO1_06 - Repentance Repentance
100 DEMO1_10 - Identity In Christ part 2Identity In Christ part 2
101 DEMO1_11 - When Christians SinWhat Happens When Christians Sin
102 DependencyThe state of relying on someone or something else for aid, support, etc.     
103 DividedWhy is America Divided ?
104 Divine NatureGodliness in Character, Speach and Actions
105 Dog FightingDog Fighting
106 DualitySon and Servant, Spirit and Soul, Perfect and Carnal
107 Election aftermathHatred and chaos
108 ElitismBelieving some people are better than others
109 ElitistA person who believes they are better than others
110 Established In GraceWe are establlished in the Grace of God by Christ Jesus
111 Eunuch MinisterA minister that tries to appease everyone
112 ExampleSomething that illustrates something larger than itself
113 ExistenceThe fact of being
114 ExplorationThe action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it
115 Faith Of GodGod's Faith which is the Power behind all Faith
116 Faith Or SightWalking by Faith or by Sight
117 Fatal ConceitTrusting a single expert or group of experts to make major decisions affecting millions of people
118 Federalist Papers85 essays by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison from 10/1787 - 5/1788
119 FightTo engage in conflict to gain Victory
120 FireRapid oxidation of a material releasing heat, light, and various reaction products
121 Flat LineNo sign of heartbeat - dead
122 FocusTo give full attention to something
123 FoolA person who does not Believe in God
124 ForceThat which is required to do Work
125 Forget GodTo not consider God is thought, words or actions
126 Free IndeedThe Freedom that only Christ can give
127 Free WillA gift God gave to man that makes us like Him
128 Friend EditAdd or remove friends
129 FutureThe Provision of God for tomorrow
130 Grace SightGrace in the eyes
131 GraftUsing Political Power for personal gain
132 Guilt ImputationBeing pressured to receive Guilt from outside
133 GuiltyProven worthy of condemnation - Guilt
134 Gun LawAny law that infringes on the right to bear arms
135 HalloweenA Satanic corruption of a Religious Holiday
136 Harry TrumanThe buck stops here
137 HarvestThe act or process of gathering in a crop
138 HateAnimosity, ill-will
139 HealingThe state or act of being healed (see Heal)
140 Healing ReleaseReleasing Healing
141 Healing SchoolA place where you learn about Healing
142 HearingThe process of sensing sound - especially Hearing the Word Of God
143 Heart FaithFaith that issues from the Heart and not the head
144 Heaven And EarthWhere God Reigns and Where Man Reigns
145 HindranceSomething or someone who prevents an objective being reached
146 Honor ShameConsidering the effect of speech, beliefs, and actions has on the collective
147 HumanAn Individual of Mankind
148 Human GoodnessThe tendency for people to do Good things
149 HumanitarianOnly Individuals can be Humanitarians
150 Human RightsRights ascribed to all humans by the U.N.
151 IdeaA thought for a possible course of action
152 IdiotA person without common sense
153 IdolatryValuing something higher than God
154 If OnlyThe point at which Unbelief disappears
155 IlluminationThe action of illuminating or state of being illuminated
156 ImmigrationSilent Invasion of America
157 IncreaseBecome or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree
158 InfluenceThe ability to sway Opinion or Action
159 IniquityPerverseness
160 InsaneIn a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill
161 I PaddressInternet Protocol address
162 Islam and Founding FathersFranklin, Adams and others on Islam
163 Islam HistoryThe History of Islam
164 IssueA Pro Man item requiring action
165 Law EnforcementThe Constitution and Law Enforcement
166 Law Of Sowing And ReapingEvery Action has a Consequence
167 Lets Play BaalWhen America Decided to Leave God and Serve Baal
168 LiberalismElevation of self above all authority
169 LibertyQuality or state of being Free
170 Love Or LustLove is of God, Lust is of the Flesh
171 LukewarmNeither hot nor cold
172 LWILiving While Intoxicated
173 Mass Formation PsychosisThe hypnosis of a society
174 Mental AssentAcknowledging Truth but not operating in it
175 MercenaryPrimarily concerned with making Money at the expense of Ethics
176 MLKMartin Luther King.     Jr.
177 Mobile PageA Mobile view of the Lucas Co pages
178 Mobile Page XA Mobile view of the Lucas Co pages
179 MobilizeTo marshal, bring together, prepare for action
180 Multi CulturalismEncouraging more than one Culture
181 MythA story that tries to explain history and/or events
182 NaiveEasily Deceived
183 National ConscienceA unified view or opinion shaped by discourse
184 National DefenseDefending America
185 NavigatePro Man Navigation
186 NietzscheA sad modern Philosopher
187 ObedienceSubmission to another's Authority
188 Off The ChainUnfettered - released from external control
189 One More DayThe wish of everyone who has lost a loved one
190 OpinionPersonal position on an issue
191 OutrageousVery bold, unusual, and startling
192 Pearls And SwineThe Gift of God and the Spirit of Rebellion
193 PelosiumNew element discovered
194 PerverseObstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable
195 Physical WarfarePhysical Fighting to defend a cause or other people
196 PoisonAnything that is unhealthy
197 Political MessageMessages to Politicians
198 PrayerTo commune with God
199 Pray Or FightShould we Pray or Fight?     
200 PrideA feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements
201 Pride Or PowerWhen we Rebuke and Exhort is it Pride or Power
202 ProcessA sequence of Actions for a specific Purpose
203 ProduceGenerate through a Process involving Resources and Action
204 ProductionThe process by which Resources and Action is turned into usuable goods and services
205 ProvidenceThe foreseeing care and guidance of God
206 ProvokeTo incite to action
207 QuotationsSayings related to Faith
208 Radical ConservatismLibertarian in nature and decisive in action
209 ReactTo act or speak without considering consequences
210 RebelA person who subscribes to Rebellion in thoughts, words and actions
211 RebukeExpress sharp disapproval or criticism of someone because of their behavior or action
212 RecognitionIdentification of someone or something or person from previous encounters or knowledge
213 Red HerringMisdirection away from the crimes of Clinton and Obama
214 RegulationControlling Behavior ny Rule and Law
215 RelationshipThe state of being connected by blood or marriage.     
216 Religion And PoliticsSeparate or inseparable?
217 Revolution I IThe Second American Revolution
218 Ronald Reagan40th President of the USA
219 SatanThe opposer/adversary (aka Devil ) (formerly Lucifer)
220 ScribeA Lawyer who preserved the scriptures and handled civil transactions
221 Search CodeSearch for code snippets in Tabs, Files and Logic
222 Secular HumanismReligion of the Antichrist
223 Secularism and SovereintySecularism must be destroyed by the Gospel
224 SeedA unit of reproduction, capable of developing into a mature entity
225 Seeing JesusTo See Jesus as He really is
226 Self DelusionSelf - the easiest person to Lie to.
227 Self IdentifyThe act of identifying yourself as a particular kind of person
228 Self PreservationThe state or act of focusing on self
229 Serenity NowFleeting or continual Peace
230 SettlerA person who accepts what is easily available
231 Seven ChurchesThe seven churches of Asia Minor
232 Shut Down ArroganceThe Arrogance of shutting down the American Economy
233 SinTransgression of moral Law , the child of Temptation , the parent of Death
234 SocialOf Society or Humanity at large
235 Social DistancingA policy that is used to keep people from healthy interactions
236 Socialism GoalWhat is the goal of Socialism?
237 SoftwareSoftware
238 SolidarityAgreement with and support for the members of a political group
239 Sovereign ImmunityThe government cannot be sued without its consent
240 SovereigntyThe state of being the supreme Ruler
241 Spark PlugBasic Theory Of Spark Plug Operation
242 Spiritual WickednessWhen the root of a person is Evil - a Corrupt nature
243 SPSShutdown Public Schools
244 Strange FireExercising Power and Authority without the Holy Spirit Inspiration
245 SuperstitionAn irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.
246 TensionHeavenly Earthly Tension
247 TermiteA cellulose-eating pest
248 Theft By ProxyHaving someone else steal on your behalf
249 Then And Now1950s vs 2020s
250 Tough LoveCaring enough for someone to sacrifice their short-term Ease for their long-term Prosperity
251 TractionThe grip of a tire on a road
252 Trump CoarsenessThe gift and cost of being coarse
253 Un ConstitutionalAgainst the provisions of the U.S.     Constitution
254 Up And DownIs your life up and down or is it steady?
255 Upgrade to.     NET 3.5Upgrade to.     NET 3.5
256 VicariousExperienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.
257 Vietnam WarWhat was it all about?
258 Wages Of SinThe Consequences of breaking God's Law
259 WalkWords and Actions proceeding from Life - Work
260 WalkingThe Process of Living Life - our Thoughts, Words and Actions
261 WilledDetermined a course of action after due consideration
262 Will Of GodThe plan, intent or purpose of God
263 WitchcraftCommunication with the Devil or with a familiar spirits
264 Word HijackingUsing good words to mask evil intentions
265 WorldThe Earth but most especially its inhabitants
266 Worship MusicMusic, singing and instrumentation in Worship
267 WrathGod's fixed, controlled, passionate feeling against sin.     .     .     a settled indignation
268 Wrath Of GodThe Judgment of God that comes upon rebellion