# | Item | Description |
1 | Destroy Culture | To destroy the current Culture instead of building the one you envision |
2 | Destructive | Causing damage - not Good but Evil |
3 | ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union |
4 | Afraid | Fearful , Unbelieving , Doubtful , Defeated |
5 | Alma Mater | Nourishing mother |
6 | America Occupied | America is currently being occupied by Atheistic, Globalist Communists |
7 | BLDM | Black Lives Don't Matter |
8 | Conscience | An aptitude, faculty, intuition or judgment that assists in distinguishing right from wrong |
9 | Corporate Fascism | Business and Government Fascism |
10 | Deceive | To convince another of a Lie |
11 | Declaration Of Independence | The Declaration of Independence |
12 | Demon | A spirit being working for satan |
13 | Diversity | Difference that is destructive |
14 | Double lives | Living in two realities |
15 | Election deception | Women accuse Trump in the 11th hour |
16 | Enable | Give authority or means to do something |
17 | End Game | That part of a contest which accomplishes the goal of the contest |
18 | Fair | Treated or shared equally |
19 | Faith Or Rebellion | Success comes by Faith and Destruction by Rebellion |
20 | Firewall | Something that acts as a shield against something destructive |
21 | GWB | George W Bush |
22 | Halloween | A Satanic corruption of a Religious Holiday |
23 | Harvard | Ivy League University in Massachusetts |
24 | Homeless | No house, no apartment, no camper, no tent, no church, no friends, no family |
25 | Homosexual Destruction | Historical and observable destruction from homosexuality |
26 | Homosexuality | Bondage to Homosexual lifestyle |
27 | Identity Politics | Divisive destructive strategy of the enemy |
28 | Idolatry | Valuing something higher than God |
29 | Independence | Declaration of Independence |
30 | Jesus Christ Superstar | Fiction based on a real event |
31 | Leftward | The slow slide into Liberalism |
32 | Legion | Having lost personal Identity and assumed group Identity |
33 | Liar | A person who traffics in Lies |
34 | Little By Little | Not all at once but gradually |
35 | MNC | Multi-National-Corporation - one which produces products in foreign country using foreign labor |
36 | Myth | A story that tries to explain history and/or events |
37 | Polytheism | Belief in or acceptance of many gods |
38 | Postmodernism | General distrust of grand theories and ideologies |
39 | Private Education | Education by choice - not by force |
40 | Pronouns | A word or phrase that is used as a substitution for a noun or noun phrase |
41 | Radical Conservatism | Libertarian in nature and decisive in action |
42 | Rap Is Crap | Nothing uplifting, peaceful or joyous about it |
43 | Secularism | Indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations |
44 | Sexual Depravity | Moving away from proper function of Sex to experimentation for gratification |
45 | Sin Effect | The Effect of Sin is Corruption of the Soul and Body |
46 | Subscription | Agreeing to make regular payments to receive or participate in something |
47 | Sugar | Something that obscures the natural flavor with sweetness |
48 | Swamp | The entrenched, elitist, corrupt machine that runs the country - Washington D.C. |
49 | TV Subscriptions | TV subscription packaging |
50 | Urban Disease | Spritual disease that thrives in Urban areas |
51 | Vicarious | Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person. |
52 | Western Civilization | White European Christian Religion, Government and Society |
53 | Yale | Ivy League University in Connecticut |