[ Created: 2021-10-16 11:56:41  Updated: 2021-10-16 11:57:07 Owner: rl ]
Title: Causing damage - not Good but Evil    


References (53) to Destructive
Destroy CultureTo destroy the current Culture instead of building the one you envision
DestructiveCausing damage - not Good but Evil
ACLUAmerican Civil Liberties Union
AfraidFearful , Unbelieving , Doubtful , Defeated
Alma MaterNourishing mother
America OccupiedAmerica is currently being occupied by Atheistic, Globalist Communists
BLDMBlack Lives Don't Matter
ConscienceAn aptitude, faculty, intuition or judgment that assists in distinguishing right from wrong
Corporate FascismBusiness and Government Fascism
10 DeceiveTo convince another of a Lie
11 Declaration Of IndependenceThe Declaration of Independence
12 DemonA spirit being working for satan
13 DiversityDifference that is destructive
14 Double lives Living in two realities
15 Election deceptionWomen accuse Trump in the 11th hour
16 EnableGive authority or means to do something
17 End GameThat part of a contest which accomplishes the goal of the contest
18 FairTreated or shared equally
19 Faith Or RebellionSuccess comes by Faith and Destruction by Rebellion
20 FirewallSomething that acts as a shield against something destructive
21 GWBGeorge W Bush
22 HalloweenA Satanic corruption of a Religious Holiday
23 HarvardIvy League University in Massachusetts
24 HomelessNo house, no apartment, no camper, no tent, no church, no friends, no family
25 Homosexual DestructionHistorical and observable destruction from homosexuality
26 HomosexualityBondage to Homosexual lifestyle
27 Identity PoliticsDivisive destructive strategy of the enemy
28 IdolatryValuing something higher than God
29 IndependenceDeclaration of Independence
30 Jesus Christ SuperstarFiction based on a real event
31 LeftwardThe slow slide into Liberalism
32 LegionHaving lost personal Identity and assumed group Identity
33 LiarA person who traffics in Lies
34 Little By LittleNot all at once but gradually
35 MNCMulti-National-Corporation - one which produces products in foreign country using foreign labor
36 MythA story that tries to explain history and/or events
37 PolytheismBelief in or acceptance of many gods
38 PostmodernismGeneral distrust of grand theories and ideologies
39 Private EducationEducation by choice - not by force
40 PronounsA word or phrase that is used as a substitution for a noun or noun phrase
41 Radical ConservatismLibertarian in nature and decisive in action
42 Rap Is CrapNothing uplifting, peaceful or joyous about it
43 SecularismIndifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations
44 Sexual DepravityMoving away from proper function of Sex to experimentation for gratification
45 Sin EffectThe Effect of Sin is Corruption of the Soul and Body
46 SubscriptionAgreeing to make regular payments to receive or participate in something
47 SugarSomething that obscures the natural flavor with sweetness
48 SwampThe entrenched, elitist, corrupt machine that runs the country - Washington D.C.
49 TV SubscriptionsTV subscription packaging
50 Urban DiseaseSpritual disease that thrives in Urban areas
51 VicariousExperienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.
52 Western CivilizationWhite European Christian Religion, Government and Society
53 YaleIvy League University in Connecticut