[ Created: 2021-10-07 09:46:13  Updated: 2024-07-31 11:34:41 Owner: rl ]
Title: A government where `god` has authority    



You shall have no other Gods before me.    -

Every Government is a Theocracy.   

A Government to be a Government has to have Authority.   

Where does the Authority of the Government come from?   

It comes from the Mind of the man or men who formed the Government.   

Where does a man receive Authority that he can invest in a Government?   
- from himself
- from others
- from God

Whoever bestows Authority must have Authority.   He cannot give what he doesn`t have.   

So, every Government receives Authority from `the one at the top` - whoever or whatever has ultimate Authority.   

By definition, that which has ultimate Authority is god.   

Hence, every Government is directly or indirectly a Theocracy.   It has its Authority from the ultimate Authority which is god.   

Ergo, the only question is "Who is the god?".   
- is he a person
- is he a group of people
- is he a Deity

Spirituality determines World View which determines Ideology which determines Politics which determines Government - Randy Lucas

If the god is a single person then all laws, regulations and policies are determined by that individual as there is no higher Authority.   

If the god is a group of person then all laws, regulations and policies are determined by that group of people as there is no higher Authority.   

If the god is a Deity then all laws, regulations and policies are determined by that Deity as there is no higher Authority.   

For a group of people to be unified there must be agreement on a set of principles.   

From where do such unifying principles spring?   From a Philosophy or Religion.   

But every Philosophy and every Religion proceeds from an Intellectual or Spiritual Authority.   

So, that Intellectual or Spiritual Authority is god and proponents of the Philosophy or Religion exercise the Authority given them by that philosophical or spiritual god.   

In the case of a pure Theocracy, the Spiritual god is acknowledged overtly.   In the `group Theocracy` the acknowledgment is less prominent.   Instead, they will reference the founders of their Ideology from time to time.   

In the case of a single person Theocracy there may or may not be acknowledgment of the Government as such.   

As I studied World History as a young Christian, I thought it wierd that Pharoahs and Ceasars were considered gods.   

I thought to myself "How could their subjects buy into that?"

We who have a Relationship with God are keenly aware that He is a Loving, Creator God of Order.   He defines Good and Evil.   However those who are not in Relationship with God make themselves god or some group with which they agree, their god, and that god determines Good and Evil.   

Since whoever has the ultimate Authority is god, it makes sense that the Pagan Pharoahs and Ceasars of the past just called themselves `god` or `divine`.   

Jump forward to today.   What kind of Government does America have?   We called ourselves a Representative Democracy or Republic.   The concept: Of By And For the people was tantamount to saying that the Authority remained with the people while their Government facilitated the operation of Freedom and Order on behalf of the people.   

In the early days, God ruled indirectly through believing people who controlled the Government.   So, we were an indirect Theocracy with the God of the Bible as the ultimate Authority.   

However, we have seen dissipation of our Spiritual Roots to Creator God in each successive generation.   As a result, the Authority chain where God was at the top has been broken leading to a new god at the head of our Theocracy.   We have effectively become a nation Of By And For the Government which translates to the group controlling Government as god in the new Theocracy.   

You can call it Socialism, Communism or Totalitarianism but it is still a Theocracy where all Authority proceeds from its god.   

Now, lets get to the Spiritual foundation of every Theocracy.   
The ultimate Authority is either Creator God or the Enemy, Satan.   

No one has seen either of these Spiritual beings and so the Secular or Carnal Minded people are convinced that they think their own thoughts and make their own choices in life.   They are oblivious to the fact that there is Spiritual Warfare going on involving the recruitment of every person to accept the World View of God or the World View of Satan.   

The preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is the recruitment vehicle that God uses.   
The preaching of Confidence in Humanity (Secular Humanism) is the recruitment vehicle that Satan uses.   

Amazingly (and terribly) we see the Religious fervor of the Secular Humanist Left outstripping the Religious fervor of the Christian Right.   

America is currently under the Authority of a Secular Humanist Theocracy, as is most every other country in the World.   The Spirit Of Antichrist is the unifying force behind Secular Humanism.   The Spirit Of Antichrist is the spirit of Satan.   

And if it seem Evil unto you to Serve the LORD, Choose you this day whom you Will Serve; whether the Gods which your Fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the Gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house, we Will Serve the LORD.    -

One of the amazing implications of this verse is that it leaves no place for a person or people to not serve any god.   Each of us individually and in our groups must choose whom we will serve.   
By serving self, a person is defacto serving a false god.   
By serving Humanity, a person is defacto serving a false god.   

Satan really doesn`t care what the name of a person`s god is as long as it is not Christ Jesus.   Creator God accepts no Idolatry and therefore Christ Jesus is the Strait Gate and Narrow Way.   

In conclusion, do not be Deceived about what is going on in our country.   Those who hate Christianity, the Constitution, Western Civilization and White people are serving their god, Satan, through Secular Humanism and Socialism.   

In whom the God of this World has blinded the Minds of them which Believe not, lest the Light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the Image of God, should shine unto them.    -