Why did Jesus come?
- Sacrifice for Sin (without shedding of Blood there is no remission of Sin) -
- To Regenerate us ( Sin Nature replaced in the New Birth by a New Spirit being) -
- To Fill us with the Holy Spirit (for a Human to operate in and by the Spirit Of God) -
Who is the Holy Spirit?
- God is a Spirit -
- God is Holy -
- God is the Holy Spirit -
Why do you need the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
- Fellowship with God ( Intimacy) -
- Prayer Language for Wisdom ( Teacher) -
- Empowerment to serve ( Power) -
- Manifestation of the Character of God ( Spirit Fruit) -
- Manifestation of Gifts for Edification (in the Church) ( Spirit Gifts) -
What is man? -
- Spirit - man`s nature
-- Sin Nature -
-- New Spirit -
- Soul - man`s Consciousness
-- Corrupted by Sin - Lust of the Flesh, Lust of the Eye and Pride of Life
-- Must be Transformed -
- Body - man`s Physical presence
-- Vehicle -
-- Demanding -