[ Created: 2024-04-29 09:32:56  Updated: 2024-05-01 21:29:21 Owner: rl ]
Title: How and why does a person become a homosexual?    



Homosexuality is rebellion against the ordained plan of the Creator for human reproduction and physical intimacy between a husband and his wife.   Rebellion against the Law of the Creator is what is called sin.   

The truth about homosexuality is that it is generally the result of sexual abuse by someone at an early age (likely another homosexual) or a parent who desired a child of one sex but got the other.   

Either way, Satan steps into the destabilized individual to work on their psyche.   Failure to resist his evil arguments causes the person to go further down the path which the perverted abuser started them.   

But where did the first abuser come from?   

When a person indulges themself in carnal activities such as sex, there is a tendency to want to experience the sensation more and more often,

As the indulgence occurs more often there is a lessening of the high achieved in the act.   So, experimentation begins.   

When one form of experimentation is repeated enough the high does not seem as high.   So, a different experiment is tried, and tried, and tried, until boredom again sets in with the cycle of experimentation repeated.   

As experimentation goes on, the original purpose of sex is left behind.   What was that purpose?   To procreate and to experience intimacy with one's spouse.   

Sex becomes a self-gratifying indulgence which is perversion, regardless of how it is enacted.   

The more the self-gratification, the further a person goes into depravity, shame and condemnation.   

The only way to deal with the consequences of depravity is to turn one's back on the law giver - the One who defined normal.   

Homosexuality is bondage.   Jesus came to set us free from whatever bondage we are under.   However, a person must WANT to be set free.