Someone posted this translation of one of the most powerful verses in the Word.
"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity; but a spirit of power, of love, and of self discipline." - 2Ti 1:7
One reason (if not the main one) for weakness in the Church is the rise of Feminism in the spirit of ministry.
What do I mean by this? Simply a lack of direct, clear reproof and tough love - i.e. masculinity.
An example of what I mean is the above feminized translation of the Word of God.
Timidity is not Fear. Fear has torment. Jesus rebuked His disciples because of their Fear. Fearful people will be cast into the lake of fire. Fear is Unbelief.
Self-discipline is not a SoundMind. A SoundMind is one which is based on the Word of God. It is one transformed to the mind of Christ. Self-discipline is subjective, i.e. subject to Opinion, taste and Style.
For those who have never read the KJV here is the Masculine version of the Word:
For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2Ti 1:7
There is a big difference in the implications of the word 'a' and the word 'the'. 'a' implies several. 'the' implies one. There is one spirit of Fear and it proceeds from the enemy, Satan. There is one Spirit of Power, Love and Sound Mind and that is the HolySpirit.
Jesus is not a woman. When He Returns we will see Him Destroy His adversaries with the Word of His Mouth. Rev 19:15,21
It is time we manifest as SONS of God and not apologetic, pansies.