To be conscious is to be awake and aware of self. It is an aspect of being a living soul. (Our soul is our mind, emotions and will). Our mind is what we know, our emotions are how we feel about what we know and our will is what we do with what we know).
Our conscience is the moral barometer part of being conscious.
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, says he to you; but his heart is not with you. |
So, whatever we are thinking about and feeling about those thoughts determines our life.
An Evil Conscience is one which condemns us. It is one which does not understand the gift of God in Christ Jesus.
As we purge our hearts of the Evil Conscience and establish a Pure Conscience in its place. We do this by the transformation of our minds as we hear, believe, receive and do ( He Be Re Do) the Word of God and as we fellowship with the Lord the Holy Spirit.
Jesus came to make us free. One cannot be free when one is Sin Conscious. It is mental and spiritual bondage to feel guilt. To always feel the need to repent is burdensome.
When we truly Understand the Gift of God we have no guilt nor Conscience Of Sin. We are Christ Conscious, constantly bathed in His love and and awareness of His Grace.
Sin separates no man from God because of the totally amazing, perfect, finished Work of Jesus Christ. Only unbelief can separate a person from God.
Satan either steals the Truth or twists it into a lie.
If a person is not Free Indeed then they have not allowed Christ to do what He wants in them.
Sin Consciousness by E W Kenyon
We have tried to build faith in the believer by condemning their wrong doings, and preaching sin and condemnation. No one ever gets faith that way. Anyone can see that this destroys what little faith one has. All prayer for faith is nothing but unbelief. Unbelief grows out of sense of unworthiness.
Sin consciousness is the greatest destroyer of Faith. Now, what shall we do about it? In the first place one must know what he is in Christ. As a new creation
→ he has passed from death to Life.
→ He has eternal life;
→ he is a son of God,
→ an heir of God, and
→ a joint heir with Christ.
This gives him legal ground for a perfect fellowship with the Father. This fellowship is based on the fact that this New creation has become the Righteousness of God in Christ. There is now no condemnation. He is complete in Christ.
If the Law could not help a Jew, how can it help a believer. Teach the message of righteousness not the law. We have majored sin consciousness. We have preached the Law. We have kept our people under condemnation. Faith cannot grow in that kind of atmosphere; consequently almost none of the believers today have any active faith in the Word.
Only the word of Grace can build a believer, reinforce him with the strength of the Father, and give him an inheritance among the saints. The Law was for the dead in the spirit; Love is for the living. The Law of sin and death was for the dead old creation while the Law of Life and spirit is for the new creation.