[ Created: 2021-09-27 07:56:42  Updated: 2021-09-27 07:57:32 Owner: rl ]
Title: Having established oneself as God - self-worship, Idolatry     


References to Godless
Godless Having established oneself as God - self-worship, Idolatry 
AlmaMater Nourishing mother 
America-June-2022 Status update 
BigLie A Lie that is so big that no one suspects it of being a Lie 
Corruption Below standard action - Corrupt  
Darwin Charles Darwin - a sad person a terrible legacy 
Evil That which conflicts with the character of God  
FeministPolitics Influence of Women in Politics 
LBJ Lyndon Banes Johnson 
10 MarkOfTheBeast The number, name or mark of the Beast of Revelation 
11 NoisePollution Bad Music and lyrics 
12 PoliticalMessage Messages to Politicians  
13 SatanicDominion Evidence of the dominion of Satan over earth 
14 SocialWorker A paid knock-off of a practicing Christian 
15 Trump Donald J.   Trump - president 
16 VietnamWar What was it all about? 
17 WillWeRepent Will there be massive repentance and turning to God