    [ Created: 2021-09-23 08:21:11  Updated: 2021-09-23 09:45:51   Owner: rl ]
Title: What was it all about?    

Yes, I have heard the argument that we went to War in Vietnam to stop the spread of Communism in southeast Asia. I believed that for a long time.

However, it was always puzzling about how half-heartedly we went about it. The argument for that is that we did not want to escalate the War for fear of out-and-out war with China and Russia.

But what then was the objective? To achieve a lasting South Vietnamese Republic? If so, why?

As I have thought back about that period of time and considered what was going on in mainland America I have realized the importance of distraction and misdirection as a strategy of the Enemy to weaken an individual or nation and move them in a direction that under different circumstances could not be done.

What was going on in America in the 1960's and early 1970's?
- Sexual revolution
- Drug revolution
- Prayer removal from Public Education
- Bible reading removal from Public Education
- Civil Rights demonstrations
- Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Forced Integration
- Affirmative Action
- Creation of the Welfare State
- Abortion on demand

Obviously that is a lot of major stuff! I think we can all agree that the things happening in this period changed the course of the nation. I personally feel that nothing good came out of this period (except music) and see the course change as a trajectory downward.

In hindsight I see the VietnamWar as an intentional distraction and misdirection of the attention of the American people to what Satan and his minions were doing to set the nation on a path to destruction.

Instead of Americans focusing their attention on each of the above issues with respect to their implied course change, we simply rolled with the punches of Satan to install himself as the Spiritual head of America. It was in this time that Socialism, SecularHumanism and Baal Worship were instituted as acceptable.

Just to be clear, there is no dishonor on the men and women who served in the VietnamWar some of whom died (58,000) and many of which suffered permanent injuries and loss of quality life. Rather, these were True Americans who trusted their leaders to put them in harms way only for a noble cause.

And it was that 'noble cause' of stopping the spread of Communism which there was no hope (and possibly no intent) of accomplishing that served to distract and misdirect the people from the undermining of our Society and Republic that was going on at the same time.

So, not only did the perpetrators (Government) spend billions of dollars and waste thousands of lives in fighting a War they had no intention of winning but they intentionally destroyed the fabric of our Society under the influence of their leader, Satan.

Fifty plus years later we see the spiritual descendants of those who broke the foundation of our Country systematically disassembling the structure. Unlike their spiritual fathers of the 1960-1970's whose heart was dark but who put on the facade of God-fearing, Constitution-loving Americans, their children are unabashedly Godless, Socialist, Fascists.

Their facade has been dropped and their gloves are off and they are ready under the influence of Satan to level America and True Americans who stand in their way.