[ Created: 2021-09-21 17:17:24  Updated: 2023-07-24 07:26:43 Owner: rl ]
Title: This is the Law which supplanted the Law of Sin And Death    



For the law of the Holy Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
We are under the Law of the Spirit Of Life by faith in Christ Jesus.     We are free from the law of Sin And Death by faith in Christ Jesus.     This is awesome!     

This is speaking of spiritual life and spiritual death.     There is no condemnation upon those who are In Christ Jesus .      We are New Spirit beings who are perfect .      We are accepted in the beloved .     

In the flesh we have not yet been redeemed .      That will happen at our Lord's return .     
In the meantime, the Law Of The Lord still reigns.     This means that sin and obedience both have consequences .     

So, do not confuse the spirit and the flesh.     The spirit is free.     The flesh is subject to coming under bondage to sin .     

When we are Born Again of the Holy Spirit we are made a New Spirit being who is In Christ and incorruptible.   

The Soul and the Body are still corrupted until the day that they are Transformed at the Return of Jesus.   

Sin is an issue to the Soul, Body and Society but it is not an issue with God.   Sin was dealt with once and for all in the Sacrifice of Christ Jesus.   

The Law of Spirit Of Life is the Law that underpins Salvation by Grace Through Faith in Christ Jesus.   

There is no comparison between the Law of Spirit Of Life and the Law of Sin And Death.