Conspiracy theories often generate a sideways look from those not predisposed to believing in conspiracies.
In most cases that is appropriate as most Conspiracy theories assume that the people involved are deviously working together to accomplish something Evil.
Some of the Conspiracy theories involve plans that span generations and hundreds of years.
It is the maintaining of a Conspiracy over time that puts people off. They just can't grasp what would motivate such commitment over generations.
Also, people don't like to believe that other people are devious.
However, most people believe in Good and Evil though they may disagree as to how to apply these labels.
Good can be defined as God's Character.
Evil can be defined as Satan's Character.
(For those who don't know who God and Satan are just click on the words, God and Satan. )
Just as a reminder, God is Creator, Father, Saviour, Healer among many other positive acts.
Satan is a created, fallen Angel. He was called Lucifer but rebelled against the Authority of his Creator God. He wanted to be god himself.
When there is a desire to Overthrow Authority there must follow a plan to accomplish it.
Satan's plan was hidden or secret until he made his first move - to Deceive Eve.
He knew that rebellion against God would result in the Spiritual Death of Eve, Adam, their children and all of Humanity.
Since God's plan in Creation was to raise up Children unto Himself, Satan's move was devastating and complete - at least in his mind.
As God revealed through the Prophets that He would send a Redeemer, Satan realized his victory in Eden did not end his war against God.
Hence, he enlisted other fallen Angels to help him in his effort to prevent the Gospel of GraceThroughFaith from Saving each individual Human.
Satan's plan is fundamentally to undermine man's Faith in God because Faith appropriates God's Blessings - Grace.
Here is an important point to keep im mind about spirit beings: they need a Physical body to really impact Humanity.
God's plan is to have Children who are like Him - not more Angels and not automatons. He wants Fellowship with each of us imdividually and corporately.
Jesus put it this way: I am come that you might have Life and that you might have it more abundantly.
He also gave us insight into Satan's plan: the Enemy comes to Steal, Kill and Destroy .
So, we see the Conflict laid out clearly - God wants to elevate mankind to be like Him and enjoy all that He is and has. Satan wants to thwart God's plan which means the destruction of Humanity.
Earlier I remarked on the cross-generational nature of Conspiracy theories that undermine their credibility.
Because Satan has existed since his creation and will not die before he is cast in the LakeOfFire, we have now a Conspiracy mastermind who can keep the Conspiracy plan going.
As I said, spirit beings need Physical bodies to impact the Physical Realm. Hence, Satan is the influencer or inspiration behind all Humans who come against God and HisPlan.
Now we see how the Conspiracy is implemented. Satan, the mastermind, reaches out to Humans of each generation through Ideas to plant the Evil Seed of Rebellion against God.
Each Human who rebels and takes the time to write books or set up organizations has a lasting effect on Humanity for generations to come.
Philosophers, revolutionaries and Political wolves are among those who do the Work of Satan. Effectively, each is a ChildOfSatan in the same vein that a Believer in Christ Jesus is a ChildOfGod.
Christianity exists cross-generationally because of the inspiration of the HolySpirit in ministers and believers to believe the Bible account of God as Creator and Saviour.
Satanism exists cross-generationally because of the inspiration of Satan in rebels who look for likeminded rebels who Hate God and despise Authority.
God is Good. Satan is Evil.
This makes God's plan one of Glory for Humanity.
It makes Satan's plan a SatanicConspiracy to not only thwart the plan of God but to effect total annihilation of Humanity.
Yes, there is a Conspiracy at work and it is not a theory. It is fact.
To not Understand this conflict is to be an easy prey for Satan.