    [ Created: 2021-09-13 07:56:06  Updated: 2021-09-13 08:05:03   Owner: rl ]
Title: How to Deceive the World    

If you were going to take control of a people, how better to accomplish that than to take control of the people who lead them?

Satan attacked Academia because they teach the next generation of Humanity. The Education system (except for Christian based schools) teaches Atheism, Socialism, Racism, Homosexuality, Gender confusion and Globalism.

Satan attacked our Government officials for the same reason. Elected officials failed in their trust to protect of-by-for the people Government. They actually set up systems to guarantee Government of-by-for the Government.

Satan attacked the Media through its owners who have thrown truth aside in favor of propaganda (the ideas and agenda of Satan).

Satan attacked Sports and Entertainment which were designed for recreation into platforms for preaching his agenda of Racism and antiAmericanism (Satan is the author of Confusion and Division).

Satan has attacked Church leadership diverting their charge to preach the Truth in favor of Tolerance and Enablement.

Now we see Satan attacking Business making their leaders his proponents and tools to enslave their employees.

The masses of people will be swayed and eventually controlled by their leadership. Satan knows this and so he has focused his efforts on the leadership.

The hardest thing to do for a Good person is to think Evil of another person. Jesus addressed this very clearly:

Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them. - Mat 7:20

We see the fruits of our leadership. It is EVIL fruit and so we must conclude that their hearts are EVIL - controlled by the enemy, Satan.

Shall we allow these corrupt people to continue to lead us?

And he spoke a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch? - Luk 6:39

The sane, healthy, hopeful answer is a resounding NO!