Our NewSpirit is Perfect and has need of nothing. Our Soul and Body are very needy.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has Blessed us with all Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places in Christ: - Eph 1:3
SpiritualBlessings are in HeavenlyPlaces InChrist.
What does this mean? Life comes from the HolySpirit. The Spirit exists in the SpiritRealm which contains the PhysicalRealm.
God who is Spirit (the HolySpirit) created the Physical Universe from the SpiritRealm.
So, SpiritualBlessings are those Blessings which issue from the SpiritRealm into the PhysicalRealm where they are needed.
HeavenlyPlaces is the SpiritRealm where God is.
In reality, all Blessings are at their root SpiritualBlessings which issue from HeavenlyPlaces.
We who are InChrist access them by GraceThroughFaith.