    [ Created: 2021-09-01 17:28:25  Updated: 2021-12-04 20:04:57   Owner: rl ]
Title: Every Christian leader wanted to be the Pope of their own group    

Satan never lets a good thing go unattacked. He will always try to get us to miss the mark. He really doesn't care whether we are over or under the mark - just as long as we are not ON the mark.

The HolySpirit began to awaken the Church during the Reformation. He used men with a LoveOfTheTruth to study the Scriptures and revealed to them that the Gospel is about how God has provided GraceThroughFaith as the means for men to be Saved.

What happened next was some of Satan's finest work - he turned Christians against each other.

And I am not just talking about Catholics against Protestants and Protestants against Catholics.

He turned Protestants against Protestants. How did he do this?

The same way the HolySpirit did - with men. And what is most amazing is that he used the SAME men.

Yes, those men who received Revelation and Boldly broke with Catholicism under the Inspiration of the HolySpirit in short order gave themselves over to Pride.

For all that is in the World, the Lust of the Flesh, and the Lust of the eyes, and the Pride of Life, is not of the Father, but is of the World. - 1Jn 2:16
We are SpiritualMinded and no longer CarnalMinded.

Now, in their defense these great men of the Reformation had no experience other than the heavy-handed, dogmatic, burn-at-the-stake, stranglehold of Catholicism

So, it was 'natural' for them to emulate the Catholic church in indoctrinating their followers to see non-followers as Heretics.

When I say 'natural' I mean Carnal - not Spiritual.

And so, we ended up with Denominations - the product of Ignorance and Pride.

This is a prime example of how Satan used the Pride of men to Pervert the purpose of the HolySpirit.

What is the purpose of the HolySpirit?

Till we all come in the Unity of the Faith, and of the Knowledge of the Son of God, unto a Perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: - Eph 4:13
We are Perfect in the NewSpirit but we are not Perfect in our Souls. That Perfection comes through the ministry of the HolySpirit by the FiveFoldMinistry. The objective being that we each one manifest the FulnessOfChrist.

To make it perfectly clear:
Unity is Good
Denominationalism is Evil.

Here we are 400 years later having learned nothing from the HolySpirit about Unity. As a result the Church is Weak and Satan has placed his minions at the top of the SevenMountains of Influence.

Does is really matter whether we sprinkle or dunk?
Does it really matter whether we sleep or wake when we pass away?
Does it really matter how we interpret Revelation?
Does it really matter whether we Worship Physically with Emotions or not?
Does it really matter whether we observe Saturday or Sunday as the Sabbath?

I could go on pointing out issues that Divide us into Denominations but the answer will always be NO! they are not justified by the HolySpirit - only by men.

Such men need to give up control of 'their people' and let the HolySpirit Unify the Church. A unified Church will storm the GatesOfHell.

If you take the intersection of all declarations of Faith from non-cult Denominations you will find that Christ Jesus the SonOfGod is Saviour and Lord.

And that is what Jesus said His Church would be built upon.

And Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. - Mat 16:16
Right answer!
And I Say also unto you, That you are Peter, and upon this Rock I Will build my Church; and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. - Mat 16:18
The Rock is 'the Testimony of Jesus Christ'. It is what Saves us and enables us to Overcome. Rev 12:11

The Church is the Body of all Believers in Christ Jesus. The Body is made up of people with 'the Testimony of Jesus Christ'.

The GatesOfHell will not withstand the Church when the Church wields its Testimony.