    [ Created: 2021-09-01 13:51:52  Updated: 2021-09-01 17:44:50   Owner: rl ]
Title: That part of a contest which accomplishes the goal of the contest    

In the game of chess there are three stages: 1) opening game 2) middle game 3) end game. In case you don't know the objective in chess is to capture the opponent's king.

Hence the opening game is to set up a defense framework against attack while simultaneously moving your pieces into attack position.

In the middle game the opponents make strategic 'trades' to get an advantage over their opponent. The 'trades' are to open up holes in the opponent's defense.

Once one of the opponents has a decisive advantage in pieces or position the end game begins. Since the weak opponent is now focusing on defense almost exclusively while the strong opponent is focusing primarily on offense there are opportunities for major mistakes by the stronger opponent. The primary reason is that they often move impatiently without a clear plan.

Often the end game can go on for many moves if the stronger opponent is not skilled enough to develop a clear strategy to capture the opponent's king. If mistakes (blunders) are made, the roles can be reversed and the opponent on offense goes on defense and the other opponent goes from defense to offense.

So skill, planning, persistence, caution and patience are required in the end game of chess.

The purpose of this article is not to teach chess but to address the issues of the EndGame in any contest.

We are in SpiritualWarfare.

Who are the opponents? Christ with each ChildOfGod on one side with Satan and each ChildOfSatan on the other side.

What is the objective?

Christ's objective is to bring Light and Life into each Human being by birthing them into His Kingdom by the HolySpirit. His goal is to bring the WillOfGod to Earth as it is in Heaven and complete HisPlan.

Satan's objective is to build on the SinNature in Human beings by uniting them under the SpiritOfAntiChrist against the WillOfGod and HisPlan.

Where are we in the contest?

Obviously we are in the LastDays or the EndGame.

Just for the sake of context let's go back to the opening game . In the early Church the HolySpirit moved in individuals, homes, synagogues, public squares and church buildings to bring new Converts into the Faith. For 300 years the BodyOfChrist waged a successful SpiritualWarfare against the Enemy.

Once the Church was established and accepted by Rome the middle game began. The Catholic Church began to exercise political power through the Believers scattered throughout Europe. Out of that effort there came the Holy Roman Empire. Coincidentally with the growth of Political Power there was a lack of attention to Spiritual Power.

So, though the Catholic Church grew in Political strength it lost Power with God. Two things happened during the middle game : 1) it was attacked by Islam 2) the Protestant Reformation and Denominationalism began. Both of these attacks weakened the Church and enabled the Enemy Satan to retrench and counter attack.

Because of the strength of the BodyOfChrist though fragmented by Denominationalism the Enemy had to move slowly and cautiously to undermine the Church's position.

Eventually though, through Philosophy, False Science and SecularHumanism the Enemy was able to become the stronger opponent. That is where we are today. The Enemy is now working his end game strategy to destroy Christianity and so thwart God's Plan for Earth and its people.

Now we know that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the World but ChristInYou is only potential. You must do the Word and not just Hear it. So, despite the apparent upper hand that Satan has in terms of 'pieces', we can and aught to work our own EndGame strategy. But what is our EndGame goal?

The EndGame of the Church was defined by our Lord Jesus Christ.

And he said unto them, Go you into all the World, and Preach the Gospel to every Creature. - Mar 16:15

Go you therefore, and Teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the World. Amen.
- Mat 28:19,20

Now, what was the purpose of us preaching the Gospel to every creature? To accomplish the WillOfGod. What is the WillOfGod?

The Lord is not slack concerning his Promise, as some men count slackness; but is Longsuffering to us-ward, not Willing that any should Perish, but that all should come to Repentance. - 2Pe 3:9

And he said unto them, When you Pray, Say, Our Father which are in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name. Your Kingdom come. Your Will be done, as in Heaven, so in Earth. - Luk 11:2

So, the EndGame of the Church, the BodyOfChrist, is that we make Disciples of all men through the preaching of the Gospel. In so doing we would see the WillOfGod done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Is it too late to accomplish Christ's EndGame Goal? If we think so, it is. If we think not, it isn't.

What is required beyond Believing that we can win?

Now you are the Body of Christ, and members in Particular. - 1Co 12:27

Beloved, now are we the Sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we Know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall See him as he is. - 1Jn 3:2

No, in all these things we are more than Conquerors through him that loved us. - Rom 8:37

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. - Phi 4:13

Each member of the BodyOfChrist must stir up the Gift of God in them, the HolySpirit, put on the WholeArmourOfGod and come against the GatesOfHell. If we do so in Unity we can overturn the Enemy and see the WillOfGod manifested on Earth.

What does 'coming against the GatesOfHell' look like?

We must first and foremost take a stance. We must claim the land for Christ and His people. Here is such a stance: America was created by God as a place where those who Believe in His Son can thrive. People who Hate God or reject Jesus Christ are trespassers.

Secondly, every Believer must become a Witness for Christ Jesus to every Family member, neighbor and co-worker.

Thirdly, the Federal Government should be shrunk to the size it had in 1900 with term limits on all elected officials of no more than 4 years.

Fourthly, those in America who are of faiths other than Christianity must convert to Christianity or leave the country to be with people of like mind. This is for their sake and America's.

Fifthly, all laws that have been passed violating individual rights or violating the Law of God must be rescinded. This includes Welfare Laws, Abortion Laws, Homosexuality Laws, etc.

Sixthly, all regulatory agencies of the Federal Government must be dissolved to allow American's to work energetically to rebuild the country.

Seventhly, all enemies of the People and the Constitution will be brought to Justice. Such people are those who have espoused Atheism, False Religions, False Science (Evolution, Climate Change, Transgenderism, etc.), theft by proxy (Welfare), Socialism, Globalism and Fascism. The preferred punishment will be expulsion from the country.

Repentance requires cleaning house, turning away from that which is destructive and reinstating that which is Good.

Anything less will result in leaving the Enemy entrenched with opportunity to rebound and come against the WillOfGod once more.

Now, you say this is unrealistic. I say, watch what Christ does when He Returns.