[ Created: 2021-08-30 13:33:37  Updated: 2024-02-24 11:28:59 Owner: rl ]
Title: Christ (the annointed one) is in us by His indwelling Holy Spirit    



To whom the Holy Spirit would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is the Holy Spirit in you, the hope of glory:
The Holy Spirit, by virtue of Christ Jesus, has imparted Himself into believers and thereby brought them into His glory as His sons.     

We have the same Spirit in us that raised Christ Jesus from the dead.     

All things are possible to him that believes.     

Jesus has a physical/spiritual body as a result of His glorification.   

Two physical bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time (Pauli Exclusion Principle).   This means that Jesus cannot literally be in us.   

So then, what does Christ In You mean?   

Christ means `annointed one`.   And we know that the Holy Spirit annointed Christ Jesus as His Son and Mighty God.   

How can the annointed one be inside of us as we know that Jesus a physical/spiritual being?   He occupies space.   

It is the annointer who is us by virtue of the finished work of the annointed one.   

What this means is that the Spirit Of Christ Jesus who is the annointed one is in us so that we are also annointed.   

Christ In You is His Holy Spirit in you.   

Hence, you and I are expected to manifest as Christ Jesus did during His ministry.   
Truly, truly, I say unto you, He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
This is one of the most ignored things that Jesus said.     Why?     Because we choose to be believers only.     We resist becoming disciples.     

Disciples follow their master in His footsteps learning from Him and imitating Him.     

Jesus is telling us that we are to spread the Gospel, heal the sick, set captives free and make disciples of all men.     

We can only do this by the power of the Holy Spirit operating in a vessel with the Mind Of Christ.     

What did Jesus mean by 'I go unto my Father'?     Jesus returned to the Spirit Realm (Heaven) when He ascended where the Holy Spirit Father is most readily experienced.     It is the seat from where The Majesty emanates throughout the universe.

We need to come to grips with the fact that apart from the Holy Spirit annointing we can do nothing but by the Holy Spirit we can do all things as He strengthens and empowers us.   

To deny this standing In Christ is to effectively deny His very purpose in coming to earth.   

You say, "He came to shed His blood so that we did not have to go to hell".   

That is only partially true.   To understand His purpose we need to listen to the one who proclaimed His advent - John the Baptist.   
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit, and with fire:
This is John the Baptist speaking about four things
    Water Baptism
    Spirit Baptism.     

Water Baptism is a sign that the person being baptized is repentant.     Repentance is necessary to access the Grace of the Lord.     Jesus is the object to which we turn toward away from our old ways of thinking, believing and living.     

Though John does not mention it here, turning away from the old life to Christ Jesus and confession of Him as the risen Lord confirm our redemption by Grace .     

We are redeemed by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus.     Redemption is all on His part.     We add nothing to it.     

Once we are Born Again as a result of repentance and faith In Christ Jesus we are to be filled with His Holy Spirit.     

We respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
    by turning away from unbelief and wickedness
    by believing that Jesus is `God`,
    by receiving Christ Jesus by faith as our Saviour,
    by asking Him to fill us with His Holy Spirit.     

Spirit Baptism is the end-game for our existence on earth.     
    the Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ in us
    the Holy Spirit seals us to the Lord Jesus.     
    Receiving the Spirit Of Christ is intimate union with Jesus.     
    the Holy Spirit is Eternal Life in us
    the Holy Spirit in us is our expectation of glory
    the Holy Spirit is power in us to do the supernatural.     
    the Holy Spirit is the witness of Christ Jesus in us.

So, we see that Christ Jesus` end game was for us to be one with Him by virtue of His indwelling Holy Spirit.   

Furthermore, as mentioned above we are to make an amazing impact on the world by healing and delivering those that are in bondage to sickness, disease, sin and death.   

So, Christ In You is not just a religious platitude.   It is supposed to be a reality that plays out in every interaction that you have with others.