Jesus is the embodiment of the Holy Spirit - the Lord. He is the effector of the Mystery Of God.
Jesus is like other humans who have a spirit, soul and body. The body of Jesus was miraculously formed by the Holy Spirit impregnating Mary.
The soul of Jesus followed the human path of searching for identity. Mary told Him of His virgin birth and what the angel had said to her about Him. Jesus poured over the scriptures. The Holy Spirit revealed to Him that He was the promised Messiah. As Jesus grew in knowledge of the Word, He was being prepared to fulfill the prophecies.
When Jesus was baptised He was filled with the Holy Spirit crowning Him as Messiah and empowering Him to do the work of the Christ.
Jesus spoke only the Word's of the Holy Spirit and He did only the work of the Holy Spirit as a perfect servant. Upon His submission to the death of cross He fulfilled the work of the Christ. Jesus has therefore been honored as King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords by the Father ( Holy Spirit) who has given Him all power in heaven and earth.
Why did Jesus come?
Jesus came to baptize us with the Holy Spirit!
What is the Mystery Hidden, the Mystery Of God?
' Christ in you' is the Holy Spirit in you. So, the Mystery Hidden, the Mystery Of God and the Mystery Of Christ is that we were created to be baptized with the Holy Spirit.