Jesus referred to Himself as the Son Of Man.
Jesus was born of the virgin Mary as a result of being impregnated by the Holy Spirit. This makes Mary the mother of Jesus and the Holy Spirit the Father of Jesus. (See Two Fathers Or One? for more information)
So, Jesus is the Son Of The Holy Spirit and He is the Son Of Man.
It is important to Christ for us to see Him as a man who is Spirit Soul And Body just as He created us in His image to be.
By referring to Himself as the Son Of Man He is identifying with us who are also sons of men. But additionally, He is making the major point that the Creator of all things has come in the flesh.
Jesus never referred to Himself as the Son Of God. He always referred to Himself as the Son Of Man.
Jesus is not the son of some person called `God`. He is the Son Of The Holy Spirit.
Jesus referred to His Father very often. Who was He talking about? Not some being with the proper name of `God`. He was talking about His Holy Spirit.
Two beings cannot be literally one without some kind of mystical hand-waving and circular logic.
There is one being who is Creator, Saviour and Lord of all. His name is Jesus.
As mentioned above, Jesus was born of His Holy Spirit. Why do I say His Holy Spirit. John tells us that "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God".
Note that the translators used the term, `God`, to refer to deity. Actually there is only One Lord as He Himself told us in .
So, how can the Word be with God and be God at the same time? Because our `God` is Christ Jesus who is Spirit Soul And Body.
→ His Spirit is the Holy Spirit
→ His Soul is the expression of the Spirit Of Truth
→ His Body is the material image of His Holy Spirit
Hence, there are not three persons in the godhead and there are not two persons in the godhead. There is only one person who is fully `God` and fully man`.
His name is Jesus.
The Holy Spirit made Himself a body and expressed Himself through Christ Jesus, verbally, miraculously and materially.
When we look upon Christ Jesus, we see His Father, who is His Holy Spirit.
Since the Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus and it was pre-incarnate Christ Jesus who spoke through the prophets concerning His birth, miracles, death, resurrection, ascension and upcoming return, we must gather that Jesus is, in some sense, His own Father.
Remember: "in the beginning was the Word (Christ Jesus) and the Word was with deity and the Word was deity". (Stop thinking about `God` as some being that we know nothing about). Who was the Word with? He was with His Holy Spirit and He is the image of His Holy Spirit.
Again, the miracle of Christ Jesus is that the Word and the Holy Spirit became flesh and dwelt among us. Our Creator made us in the image that He took on In Christ Jesus. This is why Jesus wants us to see Him as the Son Of Man. Deity (the being who is Word and Holy Spirit in one) is Christ Jesus.
It sounds backwards to the natural mind that our Creator made Adam in His image when His own body would not exist for 4000 years. Remember that Christ was slain before the foundation of the world . He visualized His own body that was to be sacrificed for us and then made Adam in that image.
Worship the Son Of Man who is the express image of the Holy Spirit Father using His chosen name: Jesus.