The booking process is as follows:
- Gathering personal information, fingerprints, photographs, searches of the arrestee
- Recording information about the alleged crime
- Performing a criminal record search of the suspect`s criminal background
- Confiscating any personal property carried by the suspect (e.g., keys, purse)
- Placing the suspect in a police station holding cell or local jail for arraignment
Under socialism the corporations become agents of the government.
This means that any information that a business collects will be (if it is not already) in the hands of the government.
As we have seen with President Trump, charges can be manufactured by the government and used to prosecute any citizen they wish to destroy.
We know that whatever we feed into an electronic device is being uploaded to clouds. (A cloud is nothing more than a database on the internet).
As security is being ramped up by the big players in computing services we see them using face recognition and fingerprinting to validate users of the devices.
So, the cloud not only contains your name, address, demographics, activity logs, locations, friends, contacts, etc. but it also contains the means to impersonate you digitally using your faceprint and your fingerprints.
All this `security` is purportedly for your sake. However, it is being used and will be used more extensively for attacks against you.
The worst of these attacks will come from the government when it decides that you are its enemy (refer again to Donald Trump).
At that point, they will
→ construct charges against you
→ use government employees to prosecute you
→ fine you into financial oblivion
→ throw you into a cell paid for by yourself and others
This `threat` will result in two types of behavior:
→ conforming to government plans for society
→ resisting the government and expediting your booking