    [ Created: 2021-08-12 22:11:11  Updated: 2021-10-03 10:23:15   Owner: rl ]
Title: Satan is the Mystery of Iniquity    

For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who now lets will let, until he be taken out of the way. - 2Th 2:7

Satan is an enigma. Who he was as Lucifer. What role he held in Heaven. Why he turned against God. How he caused other Angels to rebel with him. Why he hates humanity. Why he will be bound. Why he will be released. Why he will be cast into the LakeOfFire.

The most mysterious aspect of Satan is his Iniquity.

Who [Satan] opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. - 2Th 2:4

The incessant nature of his attacks against the KingdomOfGod beginning with the temptation of Eve is maniacal. His fiendish cunning to entrap and destroy has ruined many a life.

In order to recognize the attacks of Satan we must understand the Nature of God, HisPlan as revealed in His Word and be sensitized to the HolySpirit.

Remember, Satan is against everything that God is for.

The core teaching of Christ is the concept of Freedom.

Sin is Bondage. Guilt is Bondage. Sickness is Bondage. Fear is Bondage. Unbelief is Bondage.

If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. - Joh 8:36

Jesus came to Free us in every sense of the word. We have shrunk His message to the point where for many it is only to be experienced when we get to Heaven.

This shrinkage happened by Satan's Deception. He whittled away at our Understanding and Faith until we were little more than vestiges of Sons of God.

And Jesus answering says unto them, Have faith in God. - Mar 11:22

This was Jesus' simple but all-encompassing command to us. Trust God in everything for everything.

Where are we today in terms of Faith in God and real Trust? How many trust in their wealth? How many trust in their insurance? How many trust in government? How many trust in police? How many trust in fences, gates and locks?

We have convinced ourselves that such trust is practical and CommonSense. But none of these objects of trust are consistent with the Words of our Lord.

So, who has convinced us to trust in wealth, insurance, Government, police, fences, gates and locks? You got it: Satan.

Remember, he opposes everything that is of God. Freedom is of God. Fearlessness is of God. Faith in God is of God. Trust in God is of God.

Amazing how subtle he is! We changed our thinking from that which is clearly the Truth into Rationalizations directly from the mind of Satan.

And we teach the Rationalizations of Satan rather that the Truth of Jesus Christ!

Repentance is in order. Not for our SpiritSalvation but for our SoulSalvation. We cannot manifest as Sons of God while following the teachings of Satan.

If you are trusting in the Rationalizations of Satan rather than the Truth of Gods Word you are Weak, Fearful and Unbelieving.

Why is the MysteryOfIniquity so mysterious? It is so because it is able to boggle the minds of man almost effortlessly.

Jesus repeated His warning about Deception quite often because He did not underestimate the Enemy. He knew our frailty. He saw with His own eyes how people could reject the Truth and believe a Lie.

Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. - 1Co 15:34

What Righteousness?

For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. - Rom 4:13

The Righteousness of Faith in God and His Word!

What Sin is He speaking of?

So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief. - Heb 3:19

Take heed, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. - Heb 3:12

Unbelief is the Sin we are commanded to turn away from!

Remember where are was is being fought. It is not being fought against flesh and blood. Not even our own. It is being fought against SpiritualWickedness in HighPlaces.

There is no higher place for you than your own Mind and Heart.

The rulers of the Darkness of this World are the Children of Satan who teach the principles of his kingdom.

The principles of the kingdom of Satan oppose the principles of the KingdomOfGod.

If you are Fearful in any thing about anything for anything you have succombed to the wiles of Satan. He has convinced you to Doubt God and believe his Rationalizations.

Don't rationalize your acceptance of his Rationalizations when they are obviously in direct conflict with the Word of God!

Repent of DoubleMindedness and be set Free.

The MysteryOfIniquity is mysterious because you can't see it coming with your eyes. You can't hear it coming with your ears. You can't detect it with your understanding. Only the Truth and Spirit of God can sensitize you to it and set you Free from it.