[ Created: 2021-08-12 21:34:34  Updated: 2024-02-10 17:21:13 Owner: rl ]
Title: The Salvation that occurs at the New Birth when you become a New Spirit being    



Our Sin Nature died with Jesus on the cross.   

However, it is only when we appropriate the Grace of God through faith in Christ Jesus that the Sin Nature is effectively crucified with Christ and we experience the New Birth.   

In the New Birth we experience Spirit Salvation - the death of the old Sin Nature spirit and the birth of the New Creature by the Holy Spirit.   

So, at the New Birth we experience eternal Spirit Salvation.   We are perfect in the Spirit birth and will always be so.   This is true because we are born of the Holy Spirit of God.   
For the wages of sin [is] death ; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord .
The sin that condemns to the Lake Of Fire is rejection of Jesus Christ .     

The gift of the Lord Jesus is His own Eternal Life, which is relationship with His Holy Spirit .     

There are two types of death:
    physical death
    spiritual death .     

Adam and Eve did not immediately die physically when they sinned.     However, they immediately died spiritually .     

When a person sins, whether believer or unbeliever, the result is an aspect of death.     Somethings shrinks or shrivels instead of growing when sin occurs .     

Jesus gives us His life - Eternal Life when we believe on Him.     That gift is irrevokable .     

However, if we let sin reign in our mortal bodies we will suffer the consequences of that sin destroying our physical lives, our testimonies and our walk with the Lord .     

Instead of us living a victorious, productive life with treasure laid up in heaven, we will be saved as by fire .     

So, we Receive the Gift of God, Eternal Life, and we are eternally secure.   We have been sealed with the Holy Spirit.   Spirit Salvation is for all eternity and it is instantaneous.   

The Spirit Salvation being a Spirit level birth is known only in the Spirit Realm.   It cannot be seen in the Physical Realm.   

This is why Soul Salvation is necessary.   Unless we allow the New Creature to manifest in the flesh, the world receives no witness as to what has happened in the New Birth.   

Without Soul Salvation there is no physical evidence of Spirit Salvation.   

Herein lies the problem with people judging each other.   They attempt to measure that which is spiritual with physical measures.   This is inaccurate at best.   

Yes, Jesus said you will know them by their fruit.   But he was talking about mature trees as only mature trees bear fruit.   

When mature Christians do not see fruit in young (and ignorant) Christians they doubt their conversion.   This is a major error - judging the spiritual by the physical.   

Though it may seem that I am minimizing the importance of Soul Salvation I am not.   I am simply trying to correct the error of judging a tree prematurely.   
For we are his workmanship , created in Christ Jesus unto good works , which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them .(ordained: or, prepared)
The Lord's plan was ordained or decreed, and a big part of that plan is that all men come to repentance, receive Christ Jesus and be born by the Holy Spirit as His children.     But that hasn't happened because of Free Will.     

Our part is to willingly and freely receive Him and so be part of His Plan.     

Even after being Born Again as New Spirit beings we must, in our soul (mind and emotions), willingly and purposely abstain from sin, spend time in the Word and pray in the Holy Spirit so that we be transformed by the Renewing of our minds.     

So, we walk in good works only when and to the extent that we are led by the Holy Spirit.

Christ Jesus must perform the work on us in order for us to mature to Soul Salvation.   This requires studying the Word and fellowship in the Holy Spirit.   It requires Spiritual Revelation into the knowledge of Christ.   

When we understand the Truth and receive it into our hearts there is a transformation which takes place in our soul.   Our mind is renewed.   The end result is that we have the Mind Of Christ.   

So, Spirit Salvation occurs instantaneously by gift of God through faith in Christ Jesus.   Whereas Soul Salvation requires the transformation of our minds by the Word and Holy Spirit.   Soul Salvation may take a long time to manifest.