Many times Repentance is thought to only include turning from Immorality.
Specifically, we limit it to personal abuses such as Fornication, Adultery, Alcoholism, DrugAbuse, Pornography, etc.
However, Jesus came preaching Repentance to address wrong thinking in every area of Human life.
Before going any further I want to make sure you differentiate between SpiritSalvation and SoulSalvation and SocietySalvation.
SocialRepentance brings SocietySalvation.
Civilization, particularly WesternCivilization, is a result of SocialRepentance.
Whereas Society left to its own devices will breed division and wars, SocialRepentance represents a turning away from the forces that tend to division and war.
So, what are some specific areas of SocialRepentance?
Now, every one of these SocialRepentance objects is connected to individual Repentance. If the individuals in a Society do not Repent, the SocialRepentance will not happen.
Jesus came preaching and teaching SocialRepentance. He taught the general principles of the KingdomOfGod.
Those principles applied to each individual as members of Society.
The KingdomOfHeaven was near when Jesus walked the Earth and taught its principles. The realization of the KingdomOfHeaven is dependent on SocialRepentance.
As we look at our Society today, do we see anyone preaching the principles of the KingdomOfHeaven to our Society?
The Old Testament Prophets came with messages to the Society of their day. This is what Jesus did as well.
Unless their is a call for SocialRepentance only a few individuals will be Saved. For national Revival to take place, there must be a hue and cry against the corrupted Social standards of our day.
No Repentance, no Salvation. This applies to the individual and to the Society,