Spiritual Law is effected by the Lord`s Words. So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. |
The Lord`s Laws are immutable and inviolable. This is a testament to His Power, Veracity and His unchanging Nature.
The Physical Laws hold the Universe together and enable the Scientific Method by which all the inventions of man are sure.
Likewise, the Spiritual Laws of the Lord enable us to have confidence toward Him with respect to those things that are Eternal.
Specifically, Seed Time and Harvest, otherwise known as Sowing And Reaping, is one of the most overarching Spiritual Laws that is evident both in the Physical Realm and Spirit Realm.
The Spiritual Laws that Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit instituted in the New Testament are the ones which impact the Physical Realm and the Spirit Realm throughout Eternity.
The Word of the Lord is essentially the statement of Spiritual Law. So, rather than enumerating all of them, I suggest reading the New Testament,
Just to whet your appetite, though, I will mention a few of the SpiritualLaws:
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: |
These are just a few but they should excite you about the Lord and His Spiritual Laws. Get into the Word!
Spiritual Law existed before Physical Law.
Spiritual Law trumps Physical Law.
Scientists study Physical Law. Technology is the product of application of Physical Law.
Spiritual Law may also be studied since there is evidence of it in the Physical Realm.
However, the powerful aspects of Spiritual Law are understood by Revelation.
The method of Revelation is the Word of God.
Our Lord is a Spirit existing in all dimensions. The only time we have seen Him is when He walked the earth as Jesus.
The Holy Spirit operates in the Spirit Realm and the Physical Realm according to His Laws.
Since the Spiritual Laws of the Lord contain both blessing and cursing the question comes up: " Will we be under the Spiritual Laws of the Lord in heaven?".
The answer is `yes`.
However, we will be transformed from corruptible to incorruptible at our Lord`s appearing so that there is no potential for us violating those Spiritual Laws - only living in agreement with them and so receiving the blessings they entail.