    [ Created: 2021-08-01 06:54:31  Updated: 2021-08-01 09:14:44   Owner: rl ]
Title: An official order or requirement to do something    

All Mandates are, by definition, attacks on personal Freedom.

Because Freedom is the most precious thing a Human being can possess in the PhysicalRealm, it has to be vigilantly protected.

Protected against what? Mandates.

Grace is God's unmerited Favor toward us.

Grace has always been God's preferred way of relating to us.

Adam and Eve were given life in the garden including each other, dominion over he earth and Relationship with God.

And they were given the Freedom to commit Sin.

Even after their fall, God blessed the fruit of their labors.

Enoch was not a perfect man, but he received God's Grace even to being translated and not seeing death.

Abraham received promises and was blessed of God despite his imperfections because of God's Grace.

Hebrews 11:1-* cites many of the patriarchs who received Grace from God because of their Faith.

Enter the Law.

The Law, the TenCommandments, represented Mandates to control the behavior of the Israelites.

Breaking the Law involved immediate penalties.

Though the Law was Good it represented a loss of Freedom.

The TenCommandments are Mandates.

When we look at the history of our country we see how Mandates from Great Britain spawned a spirit of Revolution.

The Israelites pushed back on the TenCommandments Mandates and the colonists pushed back on the imperial Mandates.

Looking at the NewCovenant, the Gospel of Grace, we can see a long list of Mandates.
But we also see how the Freedom that we have in Christ is never violated by those Mandates.

I conclude that the levying of Mandates should be done only when absolutely necessary.

When is it absolutely necessary?
When the behaviour the Mandate would restrict will result in inevitable and irrecoverable loss.

An extremely important consideration is who takes the risk, who suffers the loss and how they value the risk and the potential loss.

As we look at how our Government has moved into the arena of Mandates which violate the BillOfRights, we ought to consider the cost and benefit of such Mandates.

God is not heavy-handed with His Mandates which are sure. Neither should our Government be heavy-handed with Mandates that are unsure.

There is coming a Mandate from Government which, if obeyed, will result in EternalDamnation.

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. - Rev 13:17

And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. - Rev 19:20