    [ Created: 2021-07-28 10:52:12  Updated: 2021-07-28 16:43:09   Owner: rl ]
Title: As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Pro 23:7     

  1. Leaven - that which attacks
  2. Leanings - that which is persuaded
  3. Leaves - that which reflects the effects of the attack and the persuasion
  4. Lamentations - that which results in the end

Are you. ..

Naive? Yes.
Gullible? Yes.
Susceptible? Yes.
Destroyable? Yes.
Savable? Yes.

Everything depends on influence for Humans.

The Truth is that we have some awesome influences from God built into us:
1. The MeasureOfFaith
2. Witness of Creation
3. CommonSense to hang on to Truth when encountered

But the Enemy, Satan wants to destroy the HisPlan of which we are critical players.

So, he goes about suppressing, undermining, and replacing the Truth of God with Lies. These Lies involve FalseScience, hair-brained Philosophy, and Pride.

The only antidote to these Lies is the Truth. But what is Truth? The answer to that question determines whether EternalLife or Lamentations manifests in each of us.

First of all, if you love to trust people, then you may be a hopeless case. I would not want to waste your time and simply make you angry with what I share. So, feel free to leave now.

If you have left in you some semblance of CommonSense which God imparted to us at birth, then you are capable of hearing and understanding Truth. But beware, to proceed toward Truth enrages the Enemy.

Whereas he (the Enemy) may have been leaving you alone, as soon as you begin to move toward Truth, his focus returns and his powers unleashed against you.

Now, lest you be terrified at the thought of Satan himself attacking you, let me put you back at ease. Satan has no power except through thoughts and ideas. In order for him to communicate his thoughts and ideas he needs people who listen to him and become willing to speak his thoughts and ideas in the Human community.

So, as you begin to listen to the Truth, Satan will not appear in your dreams. Black cats, 13's and other omens will not envelope you. However, people will come against you. Yes, even people that you love and call friends.

If you are one of those, "Well, I just want to get along and live in peace" people, you should find something other to do with your time than finishing this piece. It wouldn't do you any good anyhow.

OK, for those still listening or reading but may be impatient for the punch-line, I'll ask the question for you: "What is Truth?"

If I (or anyone else speaking or writing on this subject) does not have the answer, then it is absolutely imperitive that you walk away... quickly!

Why such a rash statement? Because, remember, the Enemy, Satan, is all about destroying you and his only weapons are thoughts and ideas which he delivers through people.

So, what is Truth?

In order for you not to think this is an empty info-mercial pit, I will give you the short answer, recognizing the marketing faux-paus such revelation exhibits.

The short answer to "What is Truth?" is "Jesus Christ".

Actually, the long answer to "What is Truth?" is also "Jesus Christ".

Are we done, you say?

Not by a long shot! But your question reveals the successfulness of Satan's enterprise to Steal, Kill and Destroy among us Humans.

If Jesus is the beginning of Truth and the end of Truth then the question becomes: "Why look anywhere else for Truth?"

If you have come up with a reason to look anywhere else for Truth, Surprise! Satan just slipped one over on you!

"Now you are trying to corral me." you may say. Well, yes I am to be quite honest.
Why? If the corral I am leading you into is the only one that contains Truth then there is no other Truth and any corral which pretends to contain truth, is in fact a fake created by the Enemy, Satan.

(I can hear many of the Intelligencia leaving the room as a result of my exclusivity statement.)

For those of you still with me, let me encourage you:

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. - Rev 3:20
For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. - Luk 19:10
Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. - Mat 11:28
And this is the record, that God has given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. - 1Jn 5:11
To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. - Rev 3:21

So, the door is open and you have walked in. The sky is the limit - that is the "Heavenly Sky" of which there is no limit.

A wonderful thing about the Truth is that it is unchanging so we can always Trust it and act confidently on it.

Another wonderful thing about the Truth is that it is Living and Personal - not abstruct or cold.

And maybe the best thing of all about the Truth is that it reveals Beauty.

You say you could do with a stable, beautiful relationship? You have stepped through the right door, my friend.

How do you come to explore this stable, personal, beautiful Truth?

Sanctify them through your truth: your word is truth. - Joh 17:17
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceeds from the Father, he shall testify of me: - Joh 15:26

So, the Truth, Jesus Christ, is revealed in His Word and by His Spirit.

And just so you are not intimidated by the thoughts of exploring the Truth by studying the Word:

It is the spirit that quickens; the flesh profits nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. - Joh 6:63

Here you see that the HolySpirit and the Word enliven you. So, this is not some long, uphill, boring pursuit of Truth. Rather, it is a Living way of Life.

But, you say, "I have seen people with different understanding of the Truth. How do I know that my understanding is right?"

Good question. That is where SpiritualRevelation comes in. SpiritualRevelation is supernatural. It is not the sole product of Logic though it is intensely Logical.

"This sounds a little spooky.", you say. Not at all! SpiritualRevelation has a Godly quality to it which regular Understanding does not. That Godly quality is the inner conviction by the HolySpirit that what you have just read or heard is Truth.

But just to be sure that the inner conviction of Truth is of God and not just your Emotions, check that SpiritualRevelation against the WrittenWord of God. Your revelation and the WrittenWord must be consistent.

Here's another test to apply as you grow in the Truth. For your SpiritualRevelation to be valid it must quicken your mortal body. I.E. this not only feels right but also energizes me to go forward in my service for Christ.

Always remember that Grace of God is the Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ. It is not for attacking the weak. It is for healing, setting free and receiving those who Believe into the KingdomOfGod.

By this time, most everyone who has been following the article is convinced of the Truth and have made an intentional decision to Follow Christ Jesus into all Truth.

But, there may be some who are not willing to close their minds to 'aternative truths' and so are leary of jumping in whole hog. Since what I have been talking about and offering in the name of Jesus Christ to whosoever will, is the PearlOfGreatPrice, the SonOfGod, the CreatorGod, I feel no compulsion to beg a person to receive such a Gift.

Rather, I wrap up the theme of this article with some further explanation of the title.

With respect to Leaven, we know that Leaven may be good or bad. It can cause bread to rise. It can also cause other things to spoil and to rot away.

With respect to Leanings, we see how trees once leaned in a particular direction never recover fully.

With respect to Leaves, we see how the type of tree will be clear once we see its Leaves.

With respect to Lamentations, we see all to often how bad decisions cause sorrow.

Whatever influence you allow into your Heart will eventually cause you to lean in that direction.
Whatever direction you lean in will cause you to favor that direction.
Whatever direction you lean in is where your leaves will be most visible.

Whatever seed that you allowed to define you (what you allowed into you, what you leaned toward and what you talked about) will determinine your Lamentations - for yourself or for others.

So, how high will you fly? It all depends on the Seed, the Ground and the attention of the Husbandman.

Hybrid Seeds produce Tares. Pure Seed produces Wheat. Accept only the best which come directly from God.

The Ground is you. If you are stony, shallow or populated with Weeds, you must Repent and get rid of all the rocks and thistles. Only Good Ground is fit for the Good Seed.

The Husbandman is Faithful. He will produce from His Seed the very most that your Ground is capable.

The Fruit of a person rooted in Truth is a TreeOfLife, Pro 11:30
As Jesus said, I have come that you may have AbundantLife. Joh 10:10