We have heard people say of themselves I need to "find myself" and, of others, you need to FindYourself.
What exactly does that mean in practical terms?
It actually means that you reject the influences that are near you in favor of running away to an unknown set of influences.
Obviously, the reason a person would do such a thing is that they believe things would be better someplace else. They believe the people and opportunities in a different place are better than those at hand.
No doubt some people are raised in totally unhealthy, depressed environments lacking opportunity and hope.
But that doesn't explain how many of today's youth have turned Left in their Value system, their Faith and their Politics.
Turning from stability, opportunity and prosperity down a dead-end street has to be the result of a fundamental problem.
What problem? Most children, including those raised in Christian families, have not been taught the important things.
The most important thing is
- that there is a God,
- that He created us,
- that He loves us,
- that He has reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ,
- that He wants us to be filled with His Spirit by which we have a personal relationship with Him and
- that He has a plan for our lives.
The Truth is you will FindYourself in Him or you will remain Lost.