[ Created: 2021-07-22 19:29:10  Updated: 2021-07-22 19:54:09 Owner: rl ]
Title: A Gift Of God at the New Birth     


Before we can be Born Again we must be aware of and Receive the Gift Of God which is Forgiveness Of Sins.   

Faith in the Finished Work of Christ Jesus enables us to Receive all of God's Gifts.   

But there is an Order of Receiving.   

1.   Jesus - A Gift Of God of Hia Son - Himself
1.   Truth - A Gift Of God through the Preaching of the Gospel
2.   Faith - A Gift Of God to all men
3.   Forgiveness Of Sin - A Gift Of God to eliminate Guilt and Separation
3.   New Birth - A Gift Of God of His Spirit - Himself
4.   Eternal Life - see 3.   above