The Word and the Spirit are not independent manifestations of God, but rather, complementary manifestations of God.
Hence, One without the other is incomplete. Jesus said His Words are Spirit and Life. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. "Thy Word is Truth". Paul talked about the KnowledgeOfGod, the KnowledgeOfChrist from which Spiritual Uisdom and Understanding proceed.
The Body of Christ is anemic because it is not getting a balanced diet of the Spirit and the Word.
When the Spirit-only believers become Spirit and Word believers and the Word-only believers become Word and Spirit believers we will see the Body manifest Power, Authority and Dominion over the works of Satan. But until then we will continue to be weak, sickly, confused and divided.
Jesus said "When the Son of Man returns shall He find Faith in the Earth?"
Faith comes by Hearing (not just listening to) the Word. Hearing comes by the Spirit who imparts Spiritual Understanding of the Word.
May the Truth (Word and Spirit) manifest today to the Salvation of us all!